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Martin Barnasconi

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Martin Barnasconi last won the day on March 12 2021

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    Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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  1. There are still some issues with your code: avoid the use of `sc_` and `sca_` prefix in your own code. These prefixes are reserved by SystemC and SystemC-AMS and could lead to conflicts with existing library functions and methods, and might confuse for other readers Your instance names in `sc_main` are not correct. E.g., when instantiating a bus of type `bus`, you need to give the instance a specific and different name like `i_bus`. Also the instance name `sc_module` should be avoided at all times!! You miss the header guards in your ELN module. Note that the name of the header guards should be close to the file name Where is SIM_LEN defined?
  2. What you've shown here is only the implementation of the supercapacitor circuit itself. The next step is to instantiate this element in another (top-level) SystemC module, along with another module (e.g. TDF module) in which you do the actual energy calculations based on the measured voltage and parameter values. Since you have an input for the circuit, you also need to instantiate a TDF module acting as source (i.e. set the current level input). After this, you need again to instantiate the top-level module into the sc_main function, where you can define the overall simulation time, and also add the trace functions to explore signals and waveforms. I propose to take a look at the SystemC AMS users guide how to build this topology.
  3. Accellera is initiating a Proposed Working Group (PWG) to identify industry interest in developing a standardized communication interface to enable interoperability of virtual modeling, simulation, and integration throughout the product lifecycle. The intent of this communication standard is to facilitate the creation of a distributed and orchestrated (“federated”) multi-domain simulation framework, compatible with and complementary to existing approaches used in different industries and sectors. The first Proposed Working Group meeting will be held over two days in Toulouse, France. On Monday September 25, attendees are invited to present use cases, requirements, and expectations of the standard. Tuesday September 26 will focus on the organizational aspects and intended alignment with other project initiatives or organizations, such as IRT Saint-Exupery, Eclipse Foundation, Linaro, etc. More information how to join the Proposed Working Group and register to attend the first meeting on September 25+26 can be found here: https://accellera.org/activities/proposed-working-groups
  4. I suggest to contact the presenters/authors listed at the first page of the presentation.
  5. The UVM-Connect library is not under definition/development at Accellera. Please contact the organization where you found the download of this library for support.
  6. sca_lsf::sca_add sub1("sub1"); Due to this, your feedback is not negative. Either change the gain to -2.5 or replace sca_lsf::sca_add by sca_lsf::sca_sub. BTW, it is not a good coding practice to instantiate an adder and call it sub1... (difficult to debug) After this change, it should work
  7. be aware of this https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/73613?language=en_US
  8. You can post your FC4SC questions in the SystemC Verification forum: https://forums.accellera.org/forum/38-systemc-verification-uvm-systemc-scv/
  9. This forum discusses SystemC-AMS, not Verilog-AMS. Please contact your EDA tool provider to answer your Verilog-AMS specific questions.
  10. Hello SystemC enthusiasts, At the SystemC Evolution Day we announced the renewed domain and website systemc.org. The website sources are hosted on GitHub, so we appreciate pull requests from the SystemC community to contribute content! More information how to contribute can be found here.
  11. Your approach to connect he SystemC/TLM world with the SystemC-AMS is correct: to cross the discrete-event / TDF MoC boundary, dedicated converter ports are available for this, called sca_tdf::sca_de::sca_in/out, as explained in section 2.4 of the SystemC-AMS user's guide. Special attention is required to understand when digital discrete-event samples are (made) available in the TDF context. In the case of fixed TDF timesteps, a signal change at an input port of type sca_tdf::sca_de::sca_in is not immediately picked-up by the TDF model, since it runs on its own time step (set by set_timestep), which means the value will be used at the next TDF time step. In case you expect immediate action in the TDF model, then you need to make use of the dynamic timestep feature in SystemC-AMS, by using the SystemC-AMS TDF method request_next_activation in a change_attributes callback. This is explained in section 2.4.3. Note that when using dynamic timestep in a TDF module, you need to make sure other TDF modules in the same TDF cluster support dynamic timesteps, as explained in section 2.1.2. This means all other connected modules should "opt-in" to indicate that they support dynamic timesteps by explicitly calling the method accept_attribute_changes.
  12. It is recommended not to use VCD trace files for TDF, LSF and ELN signals due to their continuous-time nature. Instead you should use the tabular tracefile format. You can open that it many tools since it is basically a ASCII based file with space-separated columns.
  13. You need to specify the timestep to at least one TDF module or TDF port, using method set_timestep. In a TDF module this method should be called in the callback set_attributes. See section 2.3.1 (Discrete-time modeling) and Example 2.11 in the SystemC-AMS User's Guide.
  14. statistics_config is not part of the SystemC AMS language standard (IEEE 1666.1-2016) and as such also not described in the users guide.
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