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  1. It seems that you're right. I'm appriciate to have your suggustion of using sc_vector of TLM sockets to imple a NoC. How can I approch with sc_vector instead of multi_socket. Is there any sample of NoC?
  2. @Eyck Thank you for your answer. I want to model at AT level. The reason why I want to use multi sockets is I found it is convinient to build crossbar topo.
  3. Hey, guys I found an example of AXI4 with TLM2 which only adapt to single socket. Now I wonder if I can use multi_passthrough_initiator_socket and multi_passthrough_target_socket to build AXI4 noc. And now I am stuck by the code. I really need your help. Best wishes.
  4. Here is the link which I mentioned. https://www.edaplayground.com/x/2SaZ @David Black
  5. Have you solve this issue yet? Recently I have read some code about TLM2 which implement router function. And you can find it on edaplaygroud.com named TLM-2.0-Example6. Wish it help.
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