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AmeyaVS last won the day on April 8

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About AmeyaVS

  • Birthday 02/28/1989

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  1. Hello @cubbins, It's good the solution you arrived at worked for you. But in the long run you don't really want to mess around with any other libraries in /usr/lib. I have seen far too many Enterprise Linux Environments with completely broken systems, where the whole systems are propped up by adding even more number of environment configurations just to have a usable systems. I would argue, going with Docker/NixOS and or other environment configuration development environments are a way to go without messing your base operating system. Also, did you use cmake installation of SystemC library by any chance? That would have a different SystemC library layout depending on the Linux Distribution you are using. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  2. Hello @kock, While reviewing the reference shared by you: https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dt-regex Found another reference, and it seems the regular expression syntax used has been deprecated by the standard body: https://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-xml-2e-20000814#NT-Letter Which has been updated to follow the EBNF notation. As per the section 6 mentioned here: https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/ or https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-notation It seems the newer revisions of IP-XACT specifications have not been updated to reflect the same as per the base XML specifications. Regards, Ameya
  3. Hello @kock, Thank you for your response. Is there an example I can refer to? Command line etc. Thanks in advance. Regards, Ameya
  4. Hello @sprl111, Probably a typo in 'afrmain.cpp': // main() // int sc_main(int sc_argc, char **sc_argv()) //< probably should be following: int sc_main(int sc_argc, char **sc_argv) { Tb tb("tb"); sc_start(); return 0; } Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  5. Hello @sprl111, Can you share the exact error you are observing? If you are only observing the sc_main undefined reference then probably some source is not picked up by the build. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  6. Hello, I have a query regarding the regex flavor specified in the XML Schema: 'simpleTypes.xsd' <xs:simpleType name="portName"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>A type for a port name string, allows letters, digits, dash, colon, underscore and period</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/> <xs:pattern value="\i[\p{L}\p{N}\.\-:_]*"/> <!-- Which regex flavour is being used here for specification? --> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> Can anyone elaborate on the XML schema specification specifically the attribute for the element pattern and attribute: value? This regex pattern is available in IP-XACT 2014, and IP-XACT 2022 simpleTypes.xsd. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  7. Hello, I need help with migrating an IP-XACT Component from Spirit 1.5 revision to IP-XACT 2022. I have downloaded the update_script zip from here: https://www.accellera.org/downloads/standards/ip-xact But currently I have no clue on how should one proceed with migrating from Spirit revision to the latest IP-XACT specifications. I have also, tried the following tool but the output does file does not reflect the correct namespace declaration: https://github.com/kactus2/k2xml_converter The above tool only update the document header as per initial observations, but the namespace specifications is still mentioned at spirit instead of ipxact. Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  8. Hello @Allen yang, As responded by @Eyck, it might work. But I would not recommend it. You might hit issues due to incompatibilities in OS, system libraries, compiler generated output, etc. You might get very hard to debug issues or random simulation crashes. It's better to recompile for the target platform if you can to have a chance of better compatibility. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  9. Hello @Allen yang, It is possible to get a stack trace, but then again what is your use-case? Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  10. Hello @Allen yang, You could try removing the catch all block itself, so that the exceptions is thrown from the sc_main method. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  11. Hello @Allen yang, It is because sc_main is called within a context of a try catch block. See this: https://github.com/accellera-official/systemc/blob/bec101067d808f93bf215031dff6fa9ab7035995/src/sysc/kernel/sc_main_main.cpp#L66-L108\ Captured the snippet from the implementation and reproduced below. try { pln(); // Perform initialization here sc_in_action = true; // copy array of pointers to keep allocated pointers for later release std::vector<char*> argv_call = argv_copy; status = sc_main( argc, &argv_call[0] ); // Perform cleanup here sc_in_action = false; } catch( const sc_report& x ) { sc_report_handler::get_handler() ( x, sc_report_handler::get_catch_actions() ); } catch( ... ) { // translate other escaping exceptions sc_report* err_p = sc_handle_exception(); if( err_p ) sc_report_handler::get_handler() ( *err_p, sc_report_handler::get_catch_actions() ); delete err_p; } You can see there is a broader catch( ... ) statement which is causing the exception to be handled instead of being thrown. You can possibly try writing you own main function but will need to take care of additional SystemC kernel initialization sequences. Hope this helps. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  12. Hello @fayz, For your query: I would start by naming all the systemc objects: For e.g.: SC_MODULE(rv_thunder) { sc_out<sc_int<32>> add{"add"}; sc_out<sc_int<32>> d_dmem_data{"d_dmem_data"}; sc_out<sc_uint<1>> d_memwrite{"d_memwrite"}, d_memread{"d_memread"}; sc_out<sc_uint<2>> doutdmem_mask{"doutdmem_mask"}; ..... Hope this helps. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  13. Hello @MarcelCostel, What you are trying to achieve here has meta-stable states in the final NAND logic gates. Can you try you simulation with varying initial states in the generator module for signal D and the clk? On another note I would not recommend using SystemC for modelling at gate level simulation. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  14. Hello @fayz, It seems you are trying to bind the following interface on: rv_thunder.d_dmem_out twice once within the rv_thunder module, and once on the SoC module level. This would not work. You possibly start by commenting the line no.: 84 in the design.cpp on the URL you have shared. Plus I would recommend going through the examples directory available with SystemC source/installation package to get a better idea, on using the library for modelling. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
  15. Hello @Perrinko9105, I would suggest to use a debugger to narrow down the source location from where the std::bad_alloc is thrown. Also, if possible can you share additional context on the source, just have a snippet does not provide enough context. I would prefer if you can share a minimal example which is causing this failure. Regards, Ameya Vikram Singh
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