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How to configure the compiler in CodeLite IDE


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Hello everybody,

My question is about how to configure GCC compiler in CodeLite.

I have already compiled my downloaded SystemC library, but I could not correctly configure my CodeLite IDE. I am using GCC compiler.

My path with SystemC is located here: /home/leo/Desktop/systemc-2.3.3

I have decided that I should include library paths inside a CodeLite using global paths. Without changing Linker and Compiler options.

On the last screenshot you can see the log.

Please tell my what should I do to configure my IDE

Thanks in advance,










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On 9/15/2019 at 5:16 PM, Roman Popov said:

According to log, you are using C compiler driver (/usr/bin/gcc).  SystemC is C++, you should write your application in C++ and use C++ compiler driver (g++).

Maybe your IDE automatically uses C compiler because you named your source file main.c

Hello Roman,

I have changed settings of my IDE to g++ compiler driver and my previous error was solved, but I have got 23 new ones)

Could you help me to understand why it has happened

Thanks in advance,


Screenshot from 2019-09-17 22-43-10.png


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On 9/19/2019 at 4:54 PM, Roman Popov said:

Setting library path != Linking library.  Also add -l systemc to g++ options.

Hello Roman,

Now it is working corectly and I can build the project but when I execute the programm I see the following message.


Why I see this one, if programm is already compiled.

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22 minutes ago, Roman Popov said:

Because dynamic linker does not know where to find library. You have two options: use -Wl,rpath,<path/to/lib>  command line option at compile time, or set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Google for more details.

Could you please tell me what the difference between dynamic linker and simple linker is?

Because I have already set Linker options.



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22 minutes ago, Roman Popov said:

Because dynamic linker does not know where to find library. You have two options: use -Wl,rpath,<path/to/lib>  command line option at compile time, or set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Google for more details.

Could you please tell me what the difference between dynamic linker and simple linker is?

Because I have already set Linker options.



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