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Skipping this library for "sccom-link"


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 Hello Sir,


I am new to the integration of SystemC and UVM components using UVMC library from Mentor. I have compiled the separate library for uvm and uvmc connect library. But with the same target. Like this:


UVM_LIB    = /home/lap2/Desktop/tool/questasim/verilog_src/uvmc-2.3.0/lib/uvmc_lib

UVMC_LIB = /home/lap2/Desktop/tool/questasim/verilog_src/uvmc-2.3.0/lib/uvmc_lib


My project directory is work created by default. I found difficulty in while linking the library with the project library.


My Makefile is like this:


rm -rf work
    vlib work
    vlog -64 -novopt -sv +incdir+$(UVM_HOME)/src -L work $(INC) $(PKG)
    sccom -64 -work work -DSC_INCLUDE_DYNAMIC_PROCESSES -DQUESTA -I$(UVMC_HOME)/src/connect/sc -I$(RTL)   
    sccom -link -DSC_INCLUDE_DYNAMIC_PROCESSES -lib $(UVMC_LIB) -lib work

$(RTL) is all .h and .cpp files.

$(INC) and $(PKG) is all .sv files.




While running this, it gives error:

** Warning: (sccom-6197) No object files found for SystemC version 2.3 compiled with gcc-4.7.4 in '/home/lap2/Desktop/tool/questasim/verilog_src/uvmc-2.3.0/lib/uvmc_lib'. Skipping this library for "sccom -link".
** Warning: (sccom-6197) No object files found for SystemC version 2.3 compiled with gcc-4.7.4 in 'work'. Skipping this library for "sccom -link".
** Error: (sccom-6207) No object files found for SystemC version 2.3 with gcc-4.7.4 in any library. Make sure that compilation and linking is being done with correct options.



From the error it seems like i have missed one step of SystemC library compilation. That i am totally not aware.

Please guide and help me



Sunil S. :(



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