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Error E124 sc_export instance not bound

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Hello Forum,


I get the error:


WARN    SystemC                    -        0.0/000: Error: (E124) sc_export instance not bound to interface at end of construction: export 'top.cpu.PV.export_0' (sc_export)
WARN    SystemC                    -        0.0/000:   In file: /space/sw/vista/vista_4.1.0/generic/include/../CPP/systemc230/sysc/impl/communication/sc_export.cpp:141

But, I have no clue as to which socket/port/etc. is the problem. 

"top.cpu.PV" is the instance, but there is no object inside named "export_0" or even "export".  I assume the "export" names are generated by TLM/SystemC.


How can I find which TLM or other port is causing the issue?  It seems quite puzzling.




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If you're using TLM, I guess you've instanced a socket. That socket consists of an export and a port combined in one object.

If it's a standard initiator socket, then you need normally to bind it to *this so that the backward interface is bound.


You can give the socket an explicit name by supplying a constructor argument, which might help with debugging,




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