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Attempted to use the uvm_reg function get("fieldname") to return the value of specific register field within a register class. Found that get() returns the value of all the fields of the register regardless of the value provided to input argument fname. The feature does not appear to be fully implemented.

// From uvm_reg.svh

function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg::get(string fname = "",

int lineno = 0);

// Concatenate the value of the individual fields

// to form the register value

m_fname = fname;

m_lineno = lineno;

get = 0;

foreach (m_fields)

get |= m_fields.get() << m_fields.get_lsb_pos();

endfunction: get

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"fname" means "filename", not fieldname. It's intent is to have any error messages report where the user call was, not where the code is in the UVM library itself:

data = blk.rg.get(`__FILE__, `__LINE__);

Use uvm_reg_field::get() to get the field value.

data = blk.rg.field.get(`__FILE__, `__LINE__);

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