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function with wait


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Hello all,


I have doubt regarding use of c++ function inside systemc threads.

It is said that a normal c++ function which is declared in a class inherting systemc module and called  inside the thread of that class shall be executed based  c++ kernel simulation not on the basis of systemc scheduler therefor it won't  wait for an event or time if introduced in it. Is that true ? But in my code nothing as such is happening the function is waiting for time introduced in it.



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See Note 4 in 5.2.11 of the LRM


NOTE 4—Function wait can be called from a member function of the module itself, from a member function of a
channel, or from any function subject only to the rules of C++, provided that the function is ultimately called from a
thread or clocked thread process.




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See Note 4 in 5.2.11 of the LRM





i got that but would like to know what exactly happening.




class A:public sc_module{

public :





           void funcA(){



           void funcB(){





Now funcA is a thread thus registered with the systemc scheduler.

what about funcB it is a C++ based function having wait whether it gets registered with systemc kernel since a normal c++ function cannot suspend.

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funcB is still called in the context of the SC_THREAD.


When you declare an SC_THREAD, the threading library (pthreads or quickthreads) keeps track of the a local stack pointer and local stack variables for that thread. When you call wait(), it pushes the state of the processor onto the stack at that point - it doesn't matter if you're inside lots of nested function calls, as long as you're in the context of an SC_THREAD, the wait() method works.


wait() is a method of the sc_module base class.




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  • 4 years later...

(I asked the question below, but believe to already have found the answer now myself: "sc_get_curr_process_kind()". I will try and work with that.)

I have continuing question on this one.

I have a function that for some complex reasons that take too long to explain here has to execute a wait(0) to allow for an SC_STOP to be executed as soon as possible (ending the current delta cycle). In 99% of my scenarios this function is called from a context of a SC_THREAD and it works just fine. But in very rare cases I need to call this function from outside such a context (some constructor) and in these cases of course I get an error: "Error: (E519) wait() is only allowed in SC_THREADs and SC_CTHREADs"

Is it possible to do something like:

if (bool thisIsThreadContext){
} else {
  // Do nothing

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sc_get_curr_process_kind() is non-standard.  You can use something like this:

void stop_now()
   // Assuming: sc_set_stop_mode( SC_STOP_IMMEDIATE ); to avoid running other processes?
   auto p = sc_get_current_process_handle();
   bool is_thread_or_cthread = p.valid() && p.proc_kind() != SC_METHOD_PROC_;
   if( is_thread_or_cthread )


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