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uvm_vreg increment issues

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I am working an a block that requires two different type of buffer descriptors, let call them bd_base, bd_ext.

bd_base is size 8 bytes and bd_ext is size 32 bytes.  These are implemented on a 64 bit (8 byte) bus/memory.

For now I set the memory size to be 'd100000 with datasize 64bits.


I have ran a simulation with bd_base which vreg size is equal to the bus width and the increment to the next vreg[i+1] is correct.


However, when running with bd_ext with vreg size=32 bytes (4x the size of the bus), the increment to the next vreg[i+1] is off.  The offset for a particular example for each vreg is computed as:



BD[0] address=0x1118e0
BD[1] address=0x111960
BD[2] address=0x1119e0
BD[3] address=0x111a60
BD[4] address=0x111ae0
BD[5] address=0x111b60
BD[6] address=0x111be0

128-byte offset


I would expect


BD[0] address=0x1118e0
BD[1] address=0x111900
BD[2] address=0x111920
BD[3] address=0x111940
BD[4] address=0x111960
BD[5] address=0x111980
BD[6] address=0x1119a0

32-byte offset


Perhaps I am on the wrong trail, but I have narrowed down the issue to the following lines of code:


uvm_mem.svh (line 1328 - get_addresses function)


     addr = addr + map_info.mem_range.stride * offset;


uvm_reg_map.svh (line 890 - m_set_mem_offset function)


     stride = (max2 - max)/(mem.get_size()-1);


uvm_vreg.svh (lines 995-996 - allocate)


      int min_incr = (this.get_n_bytes()-1) / mem.get_n_bytes() + 1;
      if (incr == 0) incr = min_incr;


uvm_vreg.svh (lines 1073 - get_offset_in_memory function)


      return this.offset + idx * this.incr;


uvm_vreg.svh (lines 1353 - read task)


   addr = this.offset + (idx * this.incr);


From what I can see the uvm_mem stride variable already determines the correct offset and the incr variable is not needed to compute the next address/offset in the read or get_offset_in_memory function.  As a hack, I removed the (* this.incr - in red) in both and the simulation behaves as I expect.





Just some more info if needed:


1. I am currently using UVM package 1.1d


2. I am using define UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH=64 for bd_base and UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH=256 for bd_ext


3. Register bd_ext class:


class ral_vreg_enet_bd extends uvm_vreg;
    rand uvm_vreg_field READY;


   function new(string name = "ral_vreg_enet_bd", int unsigned n_bits = 256);
     super.new(name, n_bits);
      this.READY = uvm_vreg_field::type_id::create("READY",,get_full_name());


   endfunction: new


endclass : ral_vreg_enet_bd


class ral_block_bd extends uvm_reg_block;

  rand ral_vreg_bd bd;

  rand ral_mem_bd_sys_mem sys_mem;


   virtual function void build();
      this.default_map = create_map("", 0, 32, UVM_BIG_ENDIAN, 1);
      this.bd = ral_vreg_enet_bd::type_id::create("bd",,get_full_name());
      this.bd.configure(this, , 0, 'h0, 0);


      this.sys_mem = ral_mem_enet_bd_sys_mem::type_id::create("sys_mem",,get_full_name());
      this.sys_mem.configure(this, "");
      this.default_map.add_mem(this.sys_mem, `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH'h0, "RW", 0);


   endfunction : build


endclass : ral_block_enet_bd


Thanks in advance.

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  • 1 year later...

I am having similar issues. I am using version 1.1c (not 1.1d) as in the previous post.


I am unable to get the uvm_reg to generate the correct address for accessing my uvm_mem "MEM_winhashmem". Details below.

Here is my code. 
1. I have defined '+define+UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH=512' since some register X is 512b wide. 
2. I have a memory "MEM_winhashmem" that is 16K * 512b starting at offset 0x80000 I use a vreg to access it.

My Model
rand my_uvm_mem MEM_winhashmem;
rand my_uvm_vreg winhashmem;

virtual function void build();
this.MEM_winhashmem = new("MEM_winhashmem", 16384, 64); // Create a memory 16K * 8B
this.winhashmem = new;                                                            // Create a vreg
this.winhashmem.configure(this, MEM_winhashmem, 16384);        // Configure it for 16K RAM
this.default_map.add_mem(this.MEM_winhashmem, `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH'h80000); // Set Memory base at 0x80000

My Sequence: Write to the first and the last location in the mem.
task body();
regmodel.winhashmem.write(0, status,512'hF000DCAFE); // Generates address 0x80000
regmodel.winhashmem.write(16383, status, 512'hAA55BBCC); // Generated address 0x17ffc0

since the memory is only 64b wide, I expected the address of index 16383 = 0x80000 + 0x1fff8 = 0x9FF8

However I am getting 0x80000 + 0x40 *16383 = 0x17FFC0. This is not correct.


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  • 5 years later...

I'm in the same boat as previous posts and those posts were in 2014 and 2015.

I'm using version 1.2 and the code in uvm_reg_map.svh in the method Xinit_address_mapX(), that calculates the stride is still the same.  Currently the database, m_mems_inf[], is defined as local, so it's difficult to override the stride value with derived classes.  Could there be support to have the user override the stride value prior to calling lock_model()?  If there's suggestions as how to go about doing this that would be great.

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