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How to make coverage model reusable for multiple port devices?

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Suppose I have a 4 port device.  Each port in the device has a register object.  I want to write a functional coverage model to make sure that I test the registers in each port.  I write the following code:


covergroup cg;
   myreg_port_0: coverpoint top_reg_obj.port[0].myreg;
   myreg_port_1: coverpoint top_reg_obj.port[1].myreg;
   myreg_port_2: coverpoint top_reg_obj.port[2].myreg;
   myreg_port_3: coverpoint top_reg_obj.port[3].myreg;



However, this is not reusable.  The next chip planned is an 8-port device.  I have to manually modify this coverage model each time the number of ports change.  I would like to write the coverpoints using a for-loop to iterate over all the ports.


What is the best way to do this?  It doesn't seem possible to use "for" or "foreach" inside a covergroup.


Thanks in advance.

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