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I work on a simple System on Chip. I have a cpu, a bus and a ram.


When I compile the following code I got a error message.


The code is:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "systemc.h"
//Use an OVP Microblaze 8.2 processor model
#include "xilinx.ovpworld.org/processor/microblaze/1.0/tlm2.0/microblaze_V8_20.igen.hpp"
#include "ovpworld.org/modelSupport/tlmPlatform/1.0/tlm2.0/tlmPlatform.hpp"
//Use Memory
#include "ovpworld.org/memory/ram/1.0/tlm2.0/tlmMemory.hpp"
//Use Bus
#include "ovpworld.org/modelSupport/tlmDecoder/1.0/tlm2.0/tlmDecoder.hpp"

icmAttrListObject *attrsForcpu1()
   icmAttrListObject *userAttrs = new icmAttrListObject;
   return userAttrs;

int sc_main(int argc, char *argv[0])
    //Instantiate OVP platform
     icmTLMPlatform *platform = new icmTLMPlatform("icm", ICM_VERBOSE | ICM_STOP_ON_CTRLC| ICM_ENABLE_IMPERAS_INTERCEPTS);
    //Instantiate RAM
    ram *speicher = new ram("speicher","sp1", 0x100000);    

    //Instantiate Bus     decoder<NR_OF_INITIATORS,NR_OF_TARGETS>
    decoder<1,1> *bus = new decoder<1,1>("bus");

    //Instantiate the processor
    microblaze_V8_20 *core = new microblaze_V8_20("core", 0, ICM_ATTR_DEFAULT, attrsForcpu1());

    //Bind CPU with Bus

    //Bind Bus with RAM
    bus->setDecode(1, 0x00200000, 0x002fffff);
    // Load application 
    core->loadLocalMemory("application.MICROBLAZE.elf", 1, 1, 1);

    //Start and stop the simulation


    //Deallocate objects
    delete core;
    delete platform;

    return 0;

The error message on the console is:


make -f $IMPERAS_HOME/ImperasLib/so/buildutils/Makefile.TLM.platform PLATFORM=mb_tlm

# Compiling Build/Linux32/usr/mb_tlm.o
# Linking mb_tlm.Linux32.exe
Build/Linux32/tlm/tlmSupport.a(tlmPlatform.o): In function `~sc_trace_file':
/usr/local/systemc-2.3.0//include/sysc/tracing/sc_trace.h:168: undefined reference to `vtable for sc_core::sc_trace_file'
Build/Linux32/tlm/tlmSupport.a(tlmPlatform.o): In function `time_advance':
/Imperas.20130315//ImperasLib/source/ovpworld.org/modelSupport/tlmPlatform/1.0/tlm2.0/tlmPlatform.hpp:93: undefined reference to `sc_core::sc_trace_file::sc_trace_file()'
Build/Linux32/tlm/tlmSupport.a(tlmPlatform.o).rodata._ZTV12time_advance[vtable for time_advance]+0x74): undefined reference to `sc_core::sc_trace_file::space(int)'
Build/Linux32/tlm/tlmSupport.a(tlmPlatform.o).rodata._ZTI12time_advance[typeinfo for time_advance]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for sc_core::sc_trace_file'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
make: *** [mb_tlm.Linux32.exe] error 1

I don't know what is wrong with TLM.

Could anybody help me?



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It's a bit hard to tell, what the exact problem is, because you don't show the linker command issued from the Makefile.


I would assume that the linking order between  tlmSupport.a and SystemC (-lsystemc) is wrong and the SystemC dependency in tlmSupport.a can not be resolved correctly. Library symbols are resolved from right-to-left. Make sure to list tlmSupport.a before -lsystemc in the linker command-line.


Since the problems seem to originate from the vendor-specific build system, please contact Imperas for support requests regarding OVP.


Greetings from Oldenburg,

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