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Hello ,


I am very new to systemC or TLM ..i wish  to systemC- TLM 2.0 modelling and i have a doubt regarding the same...... 


Well if we are using sytemC TLM modelling do we still require primitive channel in systemC models or it would be simply handled by TLM sockets ...


With Regards

Mohit Negi


Generally TLM2 is aimed at high speed, so you would not use primitive channels, you would use function calls (TLM).


However you might need primitive channels in some places, for instance if you need to connect a TLM model to an RTL model via an adapter.





I'm using the phrase "adapter" to refer to translating from one representation of a transaction to another.

For instance if you call a blocking write in TLM, and that has to be sent to an RTL model, you would need some code that extracted the data from the write transaction and wiggled the pins up and down on the RTL. That's the code I'm calling an adapter. You could also call it a driver.


A particular tool might also need a systemc RTL description to match a VHDL /Verilog RTL description - I guess that's what you mean by a wrapper.





You can connect loosely timed and approximately timed models with care - the Simple Sockets in the TLM utilities do automatic blocking to non-blocking conversion if you use the base protocol.


You could call the Simple Sockets adapters if you like,




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