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How to access fields within registers with the same name

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The issue I have is the register model has multiple registers of different names but the fields within the registers are named the same.  The register model is generated by a tool so getting changes made will take some time and I need a work around.  I have a lot of registers so this is a big problem.


class reg_0 extends uvm_reg;


rand uvm_reg_field  x;

rand uvm_reg_field  y;





class reg_1 extends uvm_reg;


rand uvm_reg_field x;

rand uvm_reg_field y;





I need to be able to access the fields in my scoreboard.  The problem is the field is not associated to the register so I can't simply call peek on x without associating it with the correct register.  Is there a way to associate the register name with the field name and then call peek without hard coding the call to peek? 


I am using get_registers() and get_fields() to load my queues.  Is there a way to get the registers and the fields for that register instead of one or the other?  Perhaps I have missed something in the reference manual.












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This should work :-




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