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  1. uvm_reg::set() calls for each field uvm_reg_field::set(), and this function beside m_desired updates also uvm_reg_field.value which should represent mirrored value of the field. from UVM_1.1_Class reference, uvm_reg_field summary: value Mirrored field value function void uvm_reg_field::set .... "WO1": m_desired = (m_written) ? m_desired : value; default: m_desired = value; endcase this.value = m_desired; endfunction: set
  2. Tudor, By the wording of the uvm_users_guide_1.1.pdf, chapter 5.9 Integrating a Register Model, there are 3 ways for keeping regmodel(miror values) in sync with DUT registers: implicit prediction, explicit prediction, and passive. Implicit : Updates to the mirror are predicted automatically (i.e., implicitly) by the register model after the completion of each read, write, peek, or poke operation. Explicit: implicit prediction is turned off and all updates to the mirror are predicted externally (i.e., explicitly) by a uvm_reg_predictor component Do you agree that when implicit prediction is turned off reg:write should not update regmodel(mirror value)?
  3. Tudor, If we want to turn off implicit prediction, write will still call this set function and update mirror registre value. IMO this is not the way it should work. In explicit prediction mode mirror register should be updated only after transaction is collected on the bus interface. What is the meaning of having both set and do_predict(in do_write)?
  4. When using UVM register layer with predictor and bus adapter, in explicit prediction mode(implicit prediction disabled by setting auto_predict to 0), uvm_reg::write task directly updates register model value(mirror register), at the same moment when write task is called before transaction is completed on the bus interface. In explicit prediction mode, uvm_reg::write should only launch transaction on bus agent, then predictor will wait for transaction to be collected by bus monitor and only then update regmodel. This worked well in UVM-1.0. but it doesn't work from UVM-1.1. Inside uvm_reg::write task, unconditional call of set(value) function has been added in UVM-1.1, and this function updates regmodel value regardless the auto_predict setting. uvm_reg::write in UVM-1.0 had only call of do_write() at the end, which takes into account auto_predict mode setting. Has someone else noticed this issue? Is this known bug in UVM register layer? Regards, Alex task uvm_reg::write(output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_reg_data_t value, input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, input uvm_reg_map map = null, input uvm_sequence_base parent = null, input int prior = -1, input uvm_object extension = null, input string fname = "", input int lineno = 0); // create an abstract transaction for this operation uvm_reg_item rw; XatomicX(1); set(value); rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("write_item",,get_full_name()); rw.element = this; rw.element_kind = UVM_REG; rw.kind = UVM_WRITE; rw.value[0] = value; rw.path = path; rw.map = map; rw.parent = parent; rw.prior = prior; rw.extension = extension; rw.fname = fname; rw.lineno = lineno; do_write(rw); status = rw.status; XatomicX(0); endtask
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