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In [uvm-systemc-1.0-beta5] the example code for UBUS does not work at all memory locations.

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Scott Peimann and I were working with uvm-systemc-1.0-beta5 examples,(UBUS) and observed a possible issue.

The code only works if an address is within the slave[0] with slave[0-3] defined.




Area of concern:

void ubus_bus_monitor::check_which_slave()


Original Code:

  std::string slave_name;

  bool slave_found = false;


  slave_addr_map_it it = slave_addr_map.begin();

  slave_name = it->first;





      if ( (slave_addr_map[slave_name]->get_min_addr() <= trans_collected.addr)

          && (trans_collected.addr <= slave_addr_map[slave_name]->get_max_addr() ) )


        trans_collected.slave = slave_name;

        slave_found = true;


      if (slave_found) break;



    while (it != slave_addr_map.end());





    std::ostringstream msg;

    msg << "Master attempted a transfer at illegal address 0x"

        << std::hex << trans_collected.addr.to_uint64();

    UVM_ERROR(get_type_name(), msg.str());



Suggested Code:

  bool slave_found = false;

  auto trans_addr = trans_collected.addr;


  for  (auto const &[name, slave]: slave_addr_map)


    if  ((slave->get_min_addr() <= trans_addr)  and

         (trans_addr <= slave->get_max_addr()))


      slave_found = true;





  if  (not slave_found)


    std::ostringstream msg;


      << "Master attempted a transfer at illegal address 0x"

      << std::hex << trans_collected.addr.to_uint64();

    UVM_ERROR(get_type_name(), msg.str());




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