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"Error: (E529) insert module failed: simulation running" When trying to do sc_start


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Hello! I am trying to run a testbench to simulate a simple averager circuit and I am not sure why I am getting this error. Other examples on the site don't seem to apply and I'd love any help or tips I can get. I am hoping its some simple syntax or ordering error that I am doing wrong. Here is what I am doing for the simulation:

#include "averageTB.h"

int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

	averageTB* myAVGTB = new averageTB("Testbench");

	sc_trace_file* VCDFile;
	VCDFile = sc_create_vcd_trace_file("averageTB");
	sc_trace(VCDFile, myAVGTB->rst, "rst");
	sc_trace(VCDFile, myAVGTB->clk, "clk");
	sc_trace(VCDFile, myAVGTB->start, "start");
	sc_trace(VCDFile, myAVGTB->stop, "stop");
	sc_trace(VCDFile, myAVGTB->inBus, "inBus");
	sc_trace(VCDFile, myAVGTB->outBus, "outBus");

	sc_start(2000, SC_NS);

	return 0;

Here is the code for the testbench that I wrote as well:

#include "HW4ece.h"

SC_MODULE(averageTB) {

	int ij;
	int NumOfInputs;
	sc_signal<sc_logic> rst, clk, start, stop, enableReg, selMux, selTri;
	sc_signal<sc_lv<8>> inBus, outBus;
	accAverage_Top* myTop;

	SC_CTOR(averageTB) {

		myTop = new accAverage_Top("Top-module");

		sensitive << clk << rst;

	void resetting();
	void clocking();
	void main_task();
	void display();


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Skimming over your code snippets, I don't see a line, which would cause the error from your thread title. Try to reduce your code to a self-contained example, which exposes the problem. As the error message states, you cannot create new modules after elaboration has finished and simulation is running.

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13 hours ago, maehne said:

Skimming over your code snippets, I don't see a line, which would cause the error from your thread title. Try to reduce your code to a self-contained example, which exposes the problem. As the error message states, you cannot create new modules after elaboration has finished and simulation is running.

Hmm yes, I should read the subject too...

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