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Welcome to the PSS 2.0 Public Review

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Hi Everyone,

On behalf of the Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group, I'd like to welcome you to the feedback portal for the PSS 2.0 Public Review. If you haven't yet downloaded the document, it is available here

The members of the WG have been working hard over the past 21 months, since PSS 1.0a was released in February, 2019, to enhance the usability of PSS and expand its portability and flexibility to encompass a broader class of verification challenges. We estimate that the PSS 2.0 Public Review version contains about 90% of the functionality that will eventually be in PSS 2.0, which is on target for release in February, 2021. Here are a few of the new features included in the Public Review version:

  • Core Library for standard portable functionality and utilities for common PSS applications, including register accesses and memory allocation and management
  • Collection types, including arrays, lists, maps, and sets
  • Parameterized types
  • Constraint enhancements, including default constraints and propagation
  • Enhanced activity-level generation and scheduling constructs
  • Improved portability of procedural constructs for test realization

While the Public Review is under way, we will continue working on several other enhancements and clarifications from 1.0a. 

In order for your voice to be heard, it is imperative that you provide your detailed feedback and questions via this forum before the end of the Public Review period, which will be December, 18, 2020. We ask that you make use of the page and line numbers, as well as figure, table, syntax and example numbers/captions to make it clear exactly to what your comments refer.

The WG is committed to analyzing all feedback and will make appropriate adjustments to PSS 2.0 as deemed necessary. We will be monitoring this forum and will do our best to make this an interactive review as much as possible.

We thank you for your participation in this review and appreciate your efforts to help us make PSS 2.0 the best it can be.

Warmest regards,

Tom Fitzpatrick
Vice Chair
Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group

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