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Cannot find commonsrcs.h and gendatatrace.h files in systemc-ams package

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Hi everyone,
I have just started working with SystemC-AMS.
I have installed the systemcams-1.0.tar package from www.systemc-ams.org .
As reference I am using the examples from the book: http://www.amazon.de/SystemC-SystemC-AMS-Practice-2-3-ebook/dp/B00F8HSYF8

SystemC and SystemC-AMS in Practice: SystemC 2.3, 2.2 and SystemC-AMS 1.0 from Amal Banerjee (Autor)Balmiki Sur (Autor)
I am trying to run their first example from the book and I find myself stuck at compiling.
Here is the part that is giving me a hard time:

#include <systemc-ams>
#include "commonsrcs.h"                                     //<-- doesn't exist
#include "gendatatrace.h"                                   //<-- doesn't exist
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>                                         //<-- was not written in original example

using namespace std;                                        //<-- was not written in original example

int sc_main (int argc, char **argv)
    double amplitude;
    double frequency;
    if (argc < 3)
        cout<<"Insufficient input parameters ..."<<endl;
        cout<<"give <amplitude> and <frequency> arguments to output file"<<endl;
    sca_tdf::sca_signal<double> sigin0;
    sca_tdf::sca_signal<double> sigout0;
    amplitude = strtod(argv[1], NULL);
    frequency = strtod(argv[2], NULL);
    sinsrc sin_src ("sin_src");                              //<-- cannot be referenced due to commonsrcs.h not being found
    tracedoublecombo trdbl ("tr_nd");                        //<-- cannot be referenced due to gendatatrace.h not being found
    sin_src.sigout(sigin0);                                 //<-- cannot be referenced due to error above
    sin_src.amplitude = amplitude;                          //<-- cannot be referenced due to error above
    sin_src.frequency = frequency;                          //<-- cannot be referenced due to error above
    trdbl.in1(sigin0);                                      //<-- cannot be referenced due to error above
    trdbl.in2(sigout0);                                     //<-- cannot be referenced due to error above
    sc_core::sc_start(100.0, sc_core::SC_MS);
    return 0;

The compiler version I am using is:

gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 

The compilation output is:

g++ \
                -I. -I/home/tabacaru/systemc-2.3.0/include -I/home/tabacaru/systemc-ams-1.0/include \
                -L. -L/home/tabacaru/systemc-2.3.0/lib-linux64 -L/home/tabacaru/systemc-ams-1.0/lib-linux64 \
                -o butter butter.cpp \
                -lsystemc-ams -lsystemc -lm
butter.cpp:2:80: error: commonsrcs.h: No such file or directory
butter.cpp:3:80: error: gendatatrace.h: No such file or directory
butter.cpp: In function 'int sc_main(int, char**)':
butter.cpp:28: error: 'sinsrc' was not declared in this scope
butter.cpp:28: error: expected `;' before 'sin_src'
butter.cpp:29: error: 'tracedoublecombo' was not declared in this scope
butter.cpp:29: error: expected `;' before 'trdbl'
butter.cpp:31: error: 'sin_src' was not declared in this scope
butter.cpp:35: error: 'trdbl' was not declared in this scope

I am sure I am doing something wrong, however I do not know what exactly. I already installed the systemc-ams-1.0 package twice and I still get the same problem.
Any feedback regarding the 2 header files (commonsrcs.h and gendatatrace.h) would be much appreciated.
If you know another package from an official/mirror web-page I would be happy for a link.
Thank you in advance.

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