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Paul Floyd

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  1. Here is a full analysis of the first problem, and a proposed patch. Here's what I saw running the executable under Valgrind via the GDB server (this is required to execute the mo(nitor) command). 257 result_p->digit = (sc_digit*)sc_core::sc_temp_heap.allocate( 258 sizeof(sc_digit)*result_p->ndigits ); 259 #if defined(_MSC_VER) 260 // workaround spurious initialisation issue on MS Visual C++ 261 memset( result_p->digit, 0, sizeof(sc_digit)*result_p->ndigits ); 262 #else 263 result_p->digit[result_p->ndigits-1] = 0; 264 #endif >265 right_non_zero = m_right_p->concat_get_data( result_p->digit, 0 ); The above is copied from gdb. result_p->nbits is 95, result_p->ndigits is 4 and result_p->digit contains all zeroes (gdb) x /4x result_p->digit 0x5825bb0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 However, the 1st 3 words are uninitialized, only the 4th word is initialized, as seen on line 263 (gdb) mo xb 0x5825bb0 16 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 0x5825BB0: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 0x5825BB8: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 Inside concat_get_data we execute >337 dst_p[dst_i] = dst_p[dst_i] & ~mask; Where dst_i is 0, mask is 0x3fffffff, dst_p[dst_i] is all uninitialized After this assignment, the lower 30 bits are initialized but the top 2 bits are still uninitialized: (gdb) p &dst_p[dst_i] $27 = (sc_dt::sc_digit *) 0x5825bb0 (gdb) mo xb 0x5825bb0 4 00 00 00 c0 0x5825BB0: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 However, I don't think that the problem is here. The next call 266 left_non_zero = m_left_p->concat_get_data(result_p->digit, m_len_r); is where I reckon those two bits ought to be written to, but aren't. Watch this space. Update: In the second call to concat_get_data, the first word of dst_p doesn't get written (since dst_i is 1 rather than 0). So in summary, the 1st call to concat_get_data doesn't initialize all of word 0 of dst_p but then the 2nd call assumes that it was all initialized. For comparison, the concatenation with 29 bits behaves in a similar fashion to 30 bits for the 1st call, bit the second call has dst_i set to 0 so word 0 does get fully initialized. In the case of 31 bits, a different path is taken in in the first call to concat_get_data (sc_unsigned.cpp around line 352) which writes 2 whole words rather than just part of 1 word. I suggest as a fix changing this block // ALL DATA TO BE MOVED IS IN A SINGLE WORD: if ( dst_i == end_i ) { mask = ~(~0U << real_bits) << left_shift; dst_p[dst_i] = dst_p[dst_i] & ~mask; } to be // ALL DATA TO BE MOVED IS IN A SINGLE WORD: if ( dst_i == end_i ) { if ( left_shift == 0 ) { dst_p[dst_i] = 0; } else { mask = ~(~0U << real_bits) << left_shift; dst_p[dst_i] = dst_p[dst_i] & ~mask; } } (and the same thing for signed) It is not easy to test this thoroughly. The problem is with the circular buffer, which reuses memory. The re-used memory never becomes uninitialized, so to check that I made this change +#include "/usr/home/paulf/tools/valgrind/include/valgrind/memcheck.h" + template<class T> T* sc_vpool<T>::allocate() { T* result_p; // Entry to return. result_p = &m_pool_p[m_pool_i]; + + VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(result_p, sizeof(T)); + m_pool_i = (m_pool_i + 1) & m_wrap; return result_p; } I've attached a patch that seems to solve the issue. Lastly, this can also probably be changed #if defined(_MSC_VER) // workaround spurious initialisation issue on MS Visual C++ memset( result_p->digit, 0, sizeof(sc_digit)*result_p->ndigits ); #else result_p->digit[result_p->ndigits-1] = 0; #endif The comment is al least half wrong - it is a genuine workaround. With the attached patch the memset should not be necessary. concat_init.patch
  2. More details on the other two issues systemc/misc/user_guide/chpt4.4 ==165605== Invalid write of size 8 ==165605== at 0x49FACA6: sc_core::sc_object::orphan_child_objects() (sc_object.cpp:336) ==165605== by 0x49F5D46: sc_core::sc_module::~sc_module() (sc_module.cpp:273) ==165605== by 0x406CC3: stage1_2::~stage1_2() (stage1_2.h:43) ==165605== by 0x406B95: pipeline::~pipeline() (pipeline.h:43) ==165605== by 0x406C38: pipeline::~pipeline() (pipeline.h:43) ==165605== by 0x49F5343: sc_core::sc_module_dynalloc_list::~sc_module_dynalloc_list() (sc_module.cpp:94) ==165605== by 0x4EA4236: __run_exit_handlers (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.32.so) ==165605== by 0x4EA43DF: exit (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.32.so) ==165605== by 0x4E8C1E8: (below main) (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.32.so) ==165605== Address 0x5377510 is 96 bytes inside a block of size 448 free'd ==165605== at 0x483AEDD: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:584) ==165605== by 0x4071A6: stage1::~stage1() (stage1.h:43) ==165605== by 0x49F5343: sc_core::sc_module_dynalloc_list::~sc_module_dynalloc_list() (sc_module.cpp:94) ==165605== by 0x4EA4236: __run_exit_handlers (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.32.so) ==165605== by 0x4EA43DF: exit (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.32.so) ==165605== by 0x4E8C1E8: (below main) (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.32.so) ==165605== Block was alloc'd at ==165605== at 0x4839E7D: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:342) ==165605== by 0x406EAC: f_stage1(char const*, sc_core::sc_clock&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0>&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0>&) (stage1.cpp:66) ==165605== by 0x406951: stage1_2::stage1_2(sc_core::sc_module_name, sc_core::sc_clock&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0>&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0>&) (stage1_2.h:56) ==165605== by 0x406AA1: pipeline::pipeline(sc_core::sc_module_name, sc_core::sc_clock&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0>&) (pipeline.h:56) ==165605== by 0x4067FB: f_pipeline(char const*, sc_core::sc_clock&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0> const&, sc_core::sc_signal<double, (sc_core::sc_writer_policy)0>&) (pipeline.cpp:55) ==165605== by 0x4048D9: sc_main (main.cpp:58) ==165605== by 0x49F1E8C: sc_elab_and_sim (sc_main_main.cpp:89) ==165605== by 0x49F1CCE: main (sc_main.cpp:36) memcheck is saying that in this code [sc_object.cpp void sc_object::orphan_child_events()] for( ; it != end; ++it ) { (*it)->m_parent = NULL; simcontext()->add_child_object(*it); } the child object has already been deleted, so it is writing to deleted memory. I assume that stage1 should be destroyed after stage1_2. Should pipeline::stage1_2 be a pointer allocated with SC_NEW so that the destruction gets done in the right order? If so it's an issue with the testcase so not a very serious problem. And the last problem tlm/bus_dmi ==166842== Thread 5: ==166842== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==166842== at 0x4278D8: tlm_utils::simple_target_socket_b<ExplicitATTarget, 32u, tlm::tlm_base_protocol_types, (sc_core::sc_port_policy)0>::bw_process::nb_transport_bw(tlm::tlm_generic_payload&, tlm::tlm_phase&, sc_core::sc_time&) (simple_target_socket.h:157) ==166842== by 0x415358: ExplicitATTarget::beginResponse() (ExplicitATTarget.h:133) ==166842== by 0x4A0B504: sc_core::sc_process_b::semantics() (sc_process.h:685) ==166842== by 0x4A11C21: sc_core::sc_thread_cor_fn(void*) (sc_thread_process.cpp:117) ==166842== by 0x49EABB0: sc_core::sc_cor_pthread::invoke_module_method(void*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:127) ==166842== by 0x4E493F8: start_thread (in /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.32.so) ==166842== by 0x4F65902: clone (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.32.so) ==166842== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation ==166842== at 0x40A8EB: sc_main (bus_dmi.cpp:37) ==166842== ==166842== Thread 1: ==166842== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==166842== at 0x429158: tlm_utils::simple_target_socket_b<SimpleATTarget2, 32u, tlm::tlm_base_protocol_types, (sc_core::sc_port_policy)0>::bw_process::nb_transport_bw(tlm::tlm_generic_payload&, tlm::tlm_phase&, sc_core::sc_time&) (simple_target_socket.h:157) ==166842== by 0x413A65: SimpleATTarget2::beginResponse() (SimpleATTarget2.h:145) ==166842== by 0x4A0B504: sc_core::sc_process_b::semantics() (sc_process.h:685) ==166842== by 0x4A0B788: sc_core::sc_method_process::run_process() (sc_method_process.h:305) ==166842== by 0x4A0CFA3: sc_core::sc_simcontext::crunch(bool) (sc_simcontext.cpp:486) ==166842== by 0x4A08D19: sc_core::sc_simcontext::simulate(sc_core::sc_time const&) (sc_simcontext.cpp:887) ==166842== by 0x4A0AB61: sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::sc_time const&, sc_core::sc_starvation_policy) (sc_simcontext.cpp:1718) ==166842== by 0x4A0AC8C: sc_core::sc_start() (sc_simcontext.cpp:1752) ==166842== by 0x40AEBF: sc_main (bus_dmi.cpp:76) ==166842== by 0x49F1E8C: sc_elab_and_sim (sc_main_main.cpp:89) ==166842== by 0x49F1CCE: main (sc_main.cpp:36) ==166842== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation ==166842== at 0x40A8EB: sc_main (bus_dmi.cpp:37) ==166842== This is a very straightforward missing initialization, fixed with the following change diff --git a/src/tlm_utils/simple_target_socket.h b/src/tlm_utils/simple_target_ socket.h index 7e4c3a19..c3bd240f 100644 --- a/src/tlm_utils/simple_target_socket.h +++ b/src/tlm_utils/simple_target_socket.h @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ public: : base_type(n) , m_fw_process(this) , m_bw_process(this) + , m_current_transaction(NULL) { bind(m_fw_process); }
  3. So, for the 1st item that I've looked at the most, I reproduced this on Fedora 33 amd64 with the default GCC [gcc (GCC) 10.2.1 20201125 (Red Hat 10.2.1-9)]. The SystemC library is the latest from github and regressions systemc-regressions-2.3.3 from Accellera. Valgrind is the latest release, 3.16.1. I also reproduced the same issue on FreeBSD 12.2 with the default clang (10 I believe). That was with my own build of Valgrind, a bit more recent than 3.16.1 but no significant differences on amd64. The 2nd and 3rd items I also saw on FreeBSD and I'm rerunning the full set of tests on Fedora at the moment. Will update tomorrow.
  4. While I'm wearing my Valgrind hat, memcheck detects a few issues in the regression tests tlm/bus_dmi systemc/misc/user_guide/chpt4.4 systemc/datatypes/misc/concat/test07 I haven't looked at the first two. For the last one, here is a cut down version that reproduces the first error. #include "systemc.h" #include "valgrind/memcheck.h" void checkout( const sc_unsigned* actual_p, const sc_unsigned* expected_p ) { cout << *actual_p <<" " << *expected_p << endl; cout <<"another line" << endl; } int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int high_i = 64; int low_i = 30; sc_int_base high_int(high_i); sc_int_base low_int(low_i); sc_signed low_signed(low_i); low_int = "0x0000000000000000"; low_signed = "0x0000000000000000"; high_int = "0xffffffffffffffff"; cout << endl << dec << "[" << high_i << "," << low_i << "]:" << endl; cout << hex << " int " << (high_int,low_int) << " <- ( " << high_int << " , " << low_int << " )" << endl; const sc_unsigned* actual_p = &(high_int,low_signed).value(); { int i; std::vector<int> bits(actual_p->nbits/32+1); VALGRIND_GET_VBITS(actual_p->digit,bits.data(),actual_p->nbits/8+1); std::cout << "actual bits "; for (auto b : bits) { std::cout << b << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } const sc_unsigned* expected_p = &(high_int,low_int).value(); if ( *actual_p != *expected_p ) { checkout(actual_p, expected_p); cout << "!!! ERROR (high_int,low_signed):" << endl; cout << " expected: " << hex << *expected_p << endl; cout << " actual: " << hex << *actual_p << endl; cout << " diff mask: " << hex << ((high_int,low_int) ^ (high_int,low_signed)) << endl; } cout << "Program completed" << endl; return 0; } A couple of things to note: I hacked the definition of sc_unsigned to make digit and nbits public so that I could access them directly. This won't compile without that change. I've added a print of Valgrind's vbits (which tells which bits have been initialized and which are uninitialized). The output is as follows 64,30]: int 3fffffffffffffffc0000000 <- ( ffffffffffffffff , 00000000 ) actual bits c0000000 0 0 ==6726== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==6726== at 0x4A1081B: sc_dt::vec_cmp(int, unsigned int const*, int, unsigned int const*) (src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_nbutils.h:427) ==6726== by 0x4A2B106: sc_dt::vec_skip_and_cmp(int, unsigned int const*, int, unsigned int const*) (src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_nbutils.h:500) ==6726== by 0x4A37DE0: sc_dt::compare_unsigned(int, int, int, unsigned int const*, int, int, int, unsigned int const*, int, int) (src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_unsigned.cpp:2026) ==6726== by 0x4A37D57: sc_dt::operator==(sc_dt::sc_unsigned const&, sc_dt::sc_unsigned const&) (src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_unsigned.cpp:1719) ==6726== by 0x4A3BEAC: sc_dt::operator!=(sc_dt::sc_unsigned const&, sc_dt::sc_unsigned const&) (src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_nbcommon.inc:1930) ==6726== by 0x2059E3: sc_main (small.cpp:97) ==6726== by 0x4A4C579: sc_elab_and_sim (src/sysc/kernel/sc_main_main.cpp:89) ==6726== by 0x4A4C3E1: main (src/sysc/kernel/sc_main.cpp:36) ==6726== Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation ==6726== at 0x4853224: operator new[](unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:477) ==6726== by 0x4A419DA: sc_core::sc_byte_heap::initialize(unsigned long) (src/sysc/utils/sc_temporary.h:96) ==6726== by 0x4A41406: sc_core::sc_byte_heap::sc_byte_heap(unsigned long) (src/sysc/utils/sc_temporary.h:114) ==6726== by 0x4A40C94: __cxx_global_var_init (src/sysc/datatypes/misc/sc_concatref.cpp:55) ==6726== by 0x4A40D48: _GLOBAL__sub_I_sc_concatref.cpp (sc_concatref.cpp:0) ==6726== by 0x400D2FC: ??? (in /libexec/ld-elf.so.1) ==6726== by 0x400C03C: ??? (in /libexec/ld-elf.so.1) ==6726== by 0x40098C8: ??? (in /libexec/ld-elf.so.1) The first nibble of the vbits is 'c', meaning that the top two bits are uninitialized. That makes some sense as the value is '3fff..' which has the inverse pattern, 0011 binary. I should also try MSAN to see if it finds the same error. ASAN doesn't detect uninit memory. That is as far as I've gotten so far. No idea yet if the issue is in 'operator,' or in 'value()'.
  5. I might one day have a go at getting QuickThreads to work with Valgrind, but that is another kettle of fish. In the meantime this testcase has one potential deadlock plus an error when deallocating resources.
  6. I get this problem on Fedora 33. Helgrind detects plenty of errors (see below), and the hang seems to be occurring when a call to pthread_cond_destoy is made whilst the object is still being held. I haven't debugged further. ==87323== Thread #3: lock order "0x5378948 before 0x4ACC978" violated ==87323== ==87323== Observed (incorrect) order is: acquisition of lock at 0x4ACC978 ==87323== at 0x483DB42: mutex_lock_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:907) ==87323== by 0x4841A3A: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:923) ==87323== by 0x49EFEA4: sc_core::sc_cor_pkg_pthread::yield(sc_core::sc_cor*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:250) ==87323== by 0x4A108B9: sc_core::sc_thread_process::suspend_me() (sc_thread_process.h:223) ==87323== by 0x4A1AB84: sc_core::sc_thread_process::wait(sc_core::sc_time const&) (sc_thread_process.h:324) ==87323== by 0x4A1A081: sc_core::wait(sc_core::sc_time const&, sc_core::sc_simcontext*) (sc_wait.cpp:167) ==87323== by 0x4068CB: sc_core::sc_module::wait(double, sc_core::sc_time_unit) (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x406E56: Top::control() (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x4A10504: sc_core::sc_process_b::semantics() (sc_process.h:685) ==87323== by 0x4A16C21: sc_core::sc_thread_cor_fn(void*) (sc_thread_process.cpp:117) ==87323== by 0x49EFBB0: sc_core::sc_cor_pthread::invoke_module_method(void*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:127) ==87323== by 0x4840737: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:387) ==87323== ==87323== followed by a later acquisition of lock at 0x5378948 ==87323== at 0x483DB42: mutex_lock_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:907) ==87323== by 0x4841A3A: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:923) ==87323== by 0x49EFEC4: sc_core::sc_cor_pkg_pthread::yield(sc_core::sc_cor*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:252) ==87323== by 0x4A108B9: sc_core::sc_thread_process::suspend_me() (sc_thread_process.h:223) ==87323== by 0x4A1AB84: sc_core::sc_thread_process::wait(sc_core::sc_time const&) (sc_thread_process.h:324) ==87323== by 0x4A1A081: sc_core::wait(sc_core::sc_time const&, sc_core::sc_simcontext*) (sc_wait.cpp:167) ==87323== by 0x4068CB: sc_core::sc_module::wait(double, sc_core::sc_time_unit) (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x406E56: Top::control() (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x4A10504: sc_core::sc_process_b::semantics() (sc_process.h:685) ==87323== by 0x4A16C21: sc_core::sc_thread_cor_fn(void*) (sc_thread_process.cpp:117) ==87323== by 0x49EFBB0: sc_core::sc_cor_pthread::invoke_module_method(void*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:127) ==87323== by 0x4840737: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:387) ==87323== ==87323== Required order was established by acquisition of lock at 0x5378948 ==87323== at 0x483DB42: mutex_lock_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:907) ==87323== by 0x4841A3A: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:923) ==87323== by 0x49EFEA4: sc_core::sc_cor_pkg_pthread::yield(sc_core::sc_cor*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:250) ==87323== by 0x4A1204B: sc_core::sc_simcontext::crunch(bool) (sc_simcontext.cpp:504) ==87323== by 0x4A0DD19: sc_core::sc_simcontext::simulate(sc_core::sc_time const&) (sc_simcontext.cpp:887) ==87323== by 0x4A0FB61: sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::sc_time const&, sc_core::sc_starvation_policy) (sc_simcontext.cpp:1718) ==87323== by 0x4A0FC8C: sc_core::sc_start() (sc_simcontext.cpp:1752) ==87323== by 0x406436: sc_main (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x49F6E8C: sc_elab_and_sim (sc_main_main.cpp:89) ==87323== by 0x49F6CCE: main (sc_main.cpp:36) ==87323== ==87323== followed by a later acquisition of lock at 0x4ACC978 ==87323== at 0x483DB42: mutex_lock_WRK (hg_intercepts.c:907) ==87323== by 0x4841A3A: pthread_mutex_lock (hg_intercepts.c:923) ==87323== by 0x49EFEC4: sc_core::sc_cor_pkg_pthread::yield(sc_core::sc_cor*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:252) ==87323== by 0x4A1204B: sc_core::sc_simcontext::crunch(bool) (sc_simcontext.cpp:504) ==87323== by 0x4A0DD19: sc_core::sc_simcontext::simulate(sc_core::sc_time const&) (sc_simcontext.cpp:887) ==87323== by 0x4A0FB61: sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::sc_time const&, sc_core::sc_starvation_policy) (sc_simcontext.cpp:1718) ==87323== by 0x4A0FC8C: sc_core::sc_start() (sc_simcontext.cpp:1752) ==87323== by 0x406436: sc_main (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x49F6E8C: sc_elab_and_sim (sc_main_main.cpp:89) ==87323== by 0x49F6CCE: main (sc_main.cpp:36) ==87323== ==87323== Lock at 0x5378948 was first observed ==87323== at 0x484199B: pthread_mutex_init (hg_intercepts.c:785) ==87323== by 0x49EFA83: sc_core::sc_cor_pthread::sc_cor_pthread() (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:79) ==87323== by 0x49EFD5D: sc_core::sc_cor_pkg_pthread::create(unsigned long, void (*)(void*), void*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:175) ==87323== by 0x4A17350: sc_core::sc_thread_process::prepare_for_simulation() (sc_thread_process.cpp:334) ==87323== by 0x4A0D819: sc_core::sc_simcontext::prepare_to_simulate() (sc_simcontext.cpp:712) ==87323== by 0x4A0DB83: sc_core::sc_simcontext::initialize(bool) (sc_simcontext.cpp:819) ==87323== by 0x4A0DBC5: sc_core::sc_simcontext::simulate(sc_core::sc_time const&) (sc_simcontext.cpp:844) ==87323== by 0x4A0FB61: sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::sc_time const&, sc_core::sc_starvation_policy) (sc_simcontext.cpp:1718) ==87323== by 0x4A0FC8C: sc_core::sc_start() (sc_simcontext.cpp:1752) ==87323== by 0x406436: sc_main (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x49F6E8C: sc_elab_and_sim (sc_main_main.cpp:89) ==87323== by 0x49F6CCE: main (sc_main.cpp:36) ==87323== Address 0x5378948 is 24 bytes inside a block of size 128 alloc'd ==87323== at 0x483AF1D: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:342) ==87323== by 0x49EFD52: sc_core::sc_cor_pkg_pthread::create(unsigned long, void (*)(void*), void*) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:175) ==87323== by 0x4A17350: sc_core::sc_thread_process::prepare_for_simulation() (sc_thread_process.cpp:334) ==87323== by 0x4A0D819: sc_core::sc_simcontext::prepare_to_simulate() (sc_simcontext.cpp:712) ==87323== by 0x4A0DB83: sc_core::sc_simcontext::initialize(bool) (sc_simcontext.cpp:819) ==87323== by 0x4A0DBC5: sc_core::sc_simcontext::simulate(sc_core::sc_time const&) (sc_simcontext.cpp:844) ==87323== by 0x4A0FB61: sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::sc_time const&, sc_core::sc_starvation_policy) (sc_simcontext.cpp:1718) ==87323== by 0x4A0FC8C: sc_core::sc_start() (sc_simcontext.cpp:1752) ==87323== by 0x406436: sc_main (in /home/paulf/scratch/systemc/accellera_systemc/systemc-regressions-2.3.3/run/systemc/1666-2011-compliance/living_dead_bug/systemc.exe) ==87323== by 0x49F6E8C: sc_elab_and_sim (sc_main_main.cpp:89) ==87323== by 0x49F6CCE: main (sc_main.cpp:36) ==87323== Block was alloc'd by thread #1 ==87323== ==87323== Lock at 0x4ACC978 was first observed ==87323== at 0x484199B: pthread_mutex_init (hg_intercepts.c:785) ==87323== by 0x49EFA83: sc_core::sc_cor_pthread::sc_cor_pthread() (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:79) ==87323== by 0x49EFFBC: __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:63) ==87323== by 0x49EFFEF: _GLOBAL__sub_I_sc_cor_pthread.cpp (sc_cor_pthread.cpp:285) ==87323== by 0x40108ED: call_init.part.0 (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.32.so) ==87323== by 0x40109D7: _dl_init (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.32.so) ==87323== by 0x40010C9: ??? (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.32.so) ==87323== Address 0x4acc978 is 24 bytes inside data symbol "_ZN7sc_coreL8main_corE"
  7. sc_assert does the same as the C std lib assert. You probably don't want to paste `expr` in the macro in case it has side effects (not that you should be doing that).
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