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  1. Hi, In my design I want a to have a SC_THREAD which waites on an array of events. Now I am aware of the fact that I could OR the events with '|'. But that solution is not handy when one is dealing with a large number of events. So is there any better solution? Thanks, Hooman
  2. Hi, I am trying to build 32-bit application which uses SystemC in it on my 64-bit Ubuntu. When running the make file it gives an error because it cannot find "lib-linux/libsystemc.a" And that is because I am using a 64-bit linux. (So I have "lib-linux64/libsystemc.a" instead!) I suppose the make file is expecting 32-bit version of the static library. If that is the case, the question is how can I install the 32-bit version of the SystemC library on my machine. Here's the make command and its output: hooman@hooman-ThinkPad-S540:~/OVP/systemc_example/SystemC_TLM2.0/platform_cpp$ make -f /home/hooman/OVP/Imperas.20150205/ImperasLib/buildutils/Makefile.TLM.platform # Compiling Build/Linux32/sys/tlmMemory.o # Compiling Build/Linux32/sys/tlmMmc.o # Compiling Build/Linux32/sys/tlmPeripheral.o # Compiling Build/Linux32/sys/tlmPlatform.o # Compiling Build/Linux32/sys/tlmProcessor.o # Compiling Build/Linux32/usr/platform.o # Linking platform.Linux32.exe g++: error: /usr/local/systemc230/lib-linux/libsystemc.a: No such file or directory make: *** [platform.Linux32.exe] Error 1
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