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  1. Hi, After learning C++ u can look into http://www.asic-world.com/systemc/index.html site.
  2. Hi, How to implement i2c clock synchronization using systemc? /saraswathi
  3. How to do i2c clock synchronization using systemc?

  4. Create a thread process . initialize clk to '0' or '1' clock() { while(1) { clk.write(!clk.read()); wait(1, SC_US); } }
  5. Hello, There is no sc_run in systemc instead we have sc_start with aruments and return type is void . 1. yes it is possible to call sc_start many times.
  6. Hi, Even sizeof int and sc_int<w> is different.in 32 bit machine sizeof sc_int<w> is around 20 bytes. could anyone tell why sc_int<w> is required so much space ?
  7. yes "fun" line will not print and Thanks for your explanation regarding fork/join. /Saraswathi
  8. if i have a spawned process inside fork/join and property is set to dont_initialize. SC_MODULE(top) { void fun() { cout " =========== fun========" << endl; } sc_spawn_options opt; void run() { opt.dont_initialize(); cout " run: before fork/join" << endl; SC_FORK sc_spawn(sc_bind(&top::fun, this), "d1", &opt), SC_JOIN cout << "run: after fork/join" << endl; } SC_CTOR(top) { SC_THREAD(run); } }; int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) { top top_1("top_1); sc_start(); return 0; } output : before fork/join ================= fun =============== question : i have spawned process inside fork and join still the statement "after fork/join " is not printed.how ?
  9. Hi All, How sc_fork and sc_join is internally implemented? in below code control will not come to end of file. SC_MODULE(top) { void run() { cout " run: before fork/join" << endl; SC_FORK SC_JOIN cout << "run: after fork/join" << endl; } SC_CTOR(top) { SC_THREAD(run); } }; int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) { top top_1("top_1); sc_start(); return 0; } Output : run:before fork/join question : why after fork/join is not printed in this case?
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