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Binding ports and starting function


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I am working on a bigger projects for simulation of a computer architecture. I have provided the a minimal example

int sc_main():

sc_signal<bool> task_finished[ 16 ]
std::vector< PipelineLeon* > pipelines( 16 , NULL );
for( vector< cpu_spec >::iterator it = cpu_list->begin(); cpu_list->end() != it; ++it ) {
	//init pipeline
  	pipeline->task_finished( task_finished[ it->cpu_index ]);
TaskSchedulerTemplate* task_scheduler = create_new_scheduler("Task-Scheduler", &pipelines);

class PipelineLeon : public sc_core::sc_module
  	TaskSchedulerTemplate *task_scheduler
	sc_out <bool> task_finished;
	SC_HAS_PROCESS( PipelineLeon );
	finish_syscall( int exit_state );


//gets called sometime during the simulation
void PipelineLeon::finish_syscall( int exit_state )

class TaskSchedulerTemplate : public sc_core::sc_module
	sc_in<bool> * task_finished;
	SC_HAS_PROCESS( TaskSchedulerTemplate );
	TaskSchedulerTemplate( sc_module_name name,  std::vector<PipelineLeon*> * pipelines);
	inline virtual void trigger() { trigger_task_scheduler.notify( SC_ZERO_TIME );
	sc_event_queue trigger_task_scheduler;
// calling basically TaskSchedulerTemplate
TaskSchedulerTemplate* create_new_scheduler( sc_module_name name, std::vector <PipelineLeon*> * _pipelines );

TaskSchedulerTemplate::TaskSchedulerTemplate(sc_module_name name, std::vector<PipelineLeon*> * _pipelines)
    : sc_module(name), pipelines(_pipelines)
	SC_METHOD( schedule_task );
	sensitive << trigger_task_scheduler;
	task_finished = new sc_in <bool> [number_of_pipelines];
	for (vector<PipelineLeon*>::iterator pipeline = pipelines->begin() ; pipeline != pipelines->end() ; pipeline++ ){
		task_finished[ (*pipeline)->get_cpu_index() ]( (*pipeline)->task_finished ); 
	for (int i = 0; i< number_of_pipelines; i++) {
		sensitive << task_finished[i].pos();

There are more pipelines and every one of them has this port task_finished, which is connected in the task_scheduler. Everything compiles properly.
The problem is that the method task_finished_action does not get called at all, when finish_syscall is executed. What am I missing. This should work like that, right?

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You should not use new on arrays as this does not call the constructors. So instead of

	sc_in<bool> * task_finished;

You should use

	sc_vector< sc_in<bool> > task_finished;

and the constructor should the look like

TaskSchedulerTemplate::TaskSchedulerTemplate(sc_module_name name, std::vector<PipelineLeon*> * _pipelines)
    : sc_module(name), task_finished("task_finished", number_of_pipelines), pipelines(_pipelines)
	SC_METHOD( schedule_task );
	sensitive << trigger_task_scheduler;
	for (vector<PipelineLeon*>::iterator pipeline = pipelines->begin() ; pipeline != pipelines->end() ; pipeline++ ){
		task_finished[ (*pipeline)->get_cpu_index() ]( (*pipeline)->task_finished ); 
	for (int i = 0; i< number_of_pipelines; i++) {
		sensitive << task_finished[i].pos();

sc_vector ensure that the constuctors of the sc_port are called properly.

Moreover I would not bing the task_finished signals of the _pipeline vector in the constructor, this limits the reuse and the clarity of the design intent. So I suggest to move the for-loop to sc_main and remove the second constructor argument to TaskSchedulerTemplate::TaskSchedulerTemplate.




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