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Core SystemC Language and Examples (tar.gz) (systemc 3.0.0) buildRelease folder is empty

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I downloaded the Core SystemC Language and Examples (tar.gz) file into my RHEL 8 Linux VM and successfully installed the buildDebug part.  While attempting to install the buildRelease part the install failed.  I discovered that unlike in the case of the debug build, the buildRelease folder is empty.  So, how do I install the buildRelease part of the library?


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What commands did you run to do the installation? There are multiple methods for install (autoconf/configure vs. CMake) and details matter.

Your message leads me to believe that you did a build and install of a Debug library. Then you tried to install a Release library, without doing a build of a Release library.

Also note that it is not required to build both a Debug and Release library to run a program with SystemC. Only one variant of the library should be provided for linking into your program.


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