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  1. what about having same kind of socket but on initiator side?
  2. I've decided to try the sc_vector solution that you propose . I don't understand the use of the placeholders _1 , _2 on init function , and how can I implement my b_transport function. I use the sc_time_stamp to get the index of the mem array while you're sugesting to use int vec_idx = id/2; Giovanni
  3. Hi Philipp, first of all thank you for your answer and sorry if I'm not been clear. The module I want to design is basically a Power Generator that provide energy to another module, an Appliance, a power consumer. The module Appliance contain also a battery to provide extra energy, and a Processing Unit in order to switch between the two power sourcess (Battery or Power Generator). The Battery is also connected to the PowerGenerator in order to recharge. So for each Appliance the Power Generator have to "reserve" two sockets: 1 target socket (let's call it app_socket) to provide energy to the Appliance request 1 target socket (let's call it batt_socket) to provide energy to the Appliance's battery energy request The request is expressed , in a very simple way , as a request on x energy unit (e.g 4 energy units). Every socket has a register (the mem vector in my code) of fixed size ( the SIZE) and for each request : if it's a Appliance request of x energy unit ---> increment of x the value of the register of app_socket reserved to that appliance if it's an Appliance's battery request of x energy unit ---> increment of x the value of the register of batt_socket reserved to the battery of that appliance So every sockey has his internal memory , independent from the other socket. For design requirement, I've to implement sockets and memories in my Power Generator So my intent was to create a customizable Power Generator, where in the constructor you can provide the number of Appliance of the system (N in my code) in order to create a PowerGenerator with the right number of sockets. My tutor provide me an example of code for a Power Generator with only one socket (so with just one mem vector), which b_transport method is implemented this way virtual void b_transport( tlm::tlm_generic_payload& trans, sc_time& delay ) { tlm::tlm_command cmd = trans.get_command(); sc_dt::uint64 adr = trans.get_address() / 4; unsigned char* ptr = trans.get_data_ptr(); unsigned int len = trans.get_data_length(); unsigned char* byt = trans.get_byte_enable_ptr(); unsigned int wid = trans.get_streaming_width(); if (adr >= sc_dt::uint64(SIZE) || byt != 0 || len > 4 || wid < len) SC_REPORT_ERROR("TLM-2", "Target does not support given generic payload transaction"); if ( cmd == tlm::TLM_WRITE_COMMAND ){ memcpy(&curr_rq_val, ptr, len); int index = sc_time_stamp().value() / 10000; cout << sc_time_stamp() << " :: " << "PowerGenerator" << " :: " << "CurrentIndex" << " :: " << index << "\n"; mem[index] = curr_rq_val; overall_consumption += curr_rq_val; cout << sc_time_stamp() << " :: " << "PowerGenerator" << " :: " << "SOCKET_0" << " :: " << "ENERGY_REQUEST_RESPONSE" << " :: " << mem[index] << "\n"; int current_drain = mem[index] cout << sc_time_stamp() << " :: " << "PowerGenerator" << " :: " << "CURRENT_DRAIN" << " :: {" << current_drain << "}\n"; cout << sc_time_stamp() << " :: " << "PowerGenerator" << " :: " << "OVERALL_DRAIN" << " :: {" << overall_consumption << "}\n"; } // Obliged to set response status to indicate successful completion trans.set_response_status( tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE ); } so the socket will register to this b_transport. My original dubt was : if I have multiple socket I have to register them to a b_transport method and I need a way to specify that the transaction has to write the requested value in the correct mem vector of the correct socket. Giovanni
  4. Hello, I'm really new on SystemC and TLM (you will notice that) and I want to design a component , with a variable number of two different kind of target sockets. Every of these sockets have a vector mem , defined as a global variable inside MyModule whose value is increment at each transaction incoming from a initiator socket to that specific socket. So i wrote template<unsigned int N_TARGETS> struct MyModule: sc_module { enum { SIZE = 100 }; int mem[size]; //should I implement it has a matrix mem[N*2][size]? read below tlm_utils::simple_target_socket<MyModule>* multiple_socket[N]; tlm_utils::simple_target_socket<MyModule>* multiple_socket2[N]; ..... } This way when I'll instanciate a object MyModule , I'll simple write Mymodule <N> module to have it with the two vectors of N target socket. Then on the constructor of MyModule i write SC_CTOR(MyModule) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++){ char txt[20]; sprintf(txt, "socket_%d", i); multiple_socket[i]= new tlm_utils::simple_target_socket<MyModule>(txt) ; multiple_socket[i]-> register_b_transport(this, &MyModule::b_transport,i); multiple_socket2[i]= new tlm_utils::simple_target_socket<MyModule>(txt) ; multiple_socket2[i]-> register_b_transport(this, &MyModule::b_transport,i); } } My problem is to implement b_transport method in order to : for every incoming transaction from a initiator socket , write the correct memory area for the correct socket implement the mem vector : should I have to implement the mem vector as a matrix mem[N*2] in order to simulate in a sense the different memory register of each socket? Thank you for the patience Giovanni ​
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