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  1. i am trying to implement i2c protocol using systemC. and i'm getting this error some port binding fails. cam anyone please resolve this problem ?? // Code your testbench here. // Uncomment the next line for SystemC modules. #include <systemc.h> #include <stdlib.h> class slave_if : public sc_interface { public: virtual void write(int data) = 0; virtual void read() = 0; }; SC_MODULE(Host) { sc_in<bool> scl; sc_in<bool> sda; sc_in<bool> rw; sc_port<slave_if> host_port; int val; void behaviour() { if(scl == 1 && sda == 0 && rw == 0) { val = rand()%50; host_port->write(val); } else if(scl == 1 && sda == 0 && rw == 1) { host_port->read(); } } SC_CTOR(Host) { SC_METHOD(behaviour); sensitive << scl << sda << rw; } }; SC_MODULE(Master),public slave_if { sc_in<bool> clk; sc_out<bool> scl; sc_out<bool> sda; sc_out<bool> rw; sc_fifo_out<int> master_write_fifo; sc_fifo_in<int> master_read_fifo; int i = 0,data_get,val,no_bits = 8; Host my_host; void write(int data) { while(no_bits!=0) { sda = data & 1; wait(SC_ZERO_TIME); master_write_fifo.write(sda); no_bits++; } } void read() { while(i!=8) { master_read_fifo.read(val); data_get = data_get + (val*pow(2,i)); /*master_read_fifo.read(val); cout<<"value:->"<<val<<endl;*/ i++; } cout<<"my data:-->"<<data_get; } SC_CTOR(Master):my_host("my_host") { my_host.scl(scl); my_host.sda(sda); my_host.rw(rw); } }; SC_MODULE(Slave) { sc_inout<bool> scl ; sc_inout<bool> sda ; sc_inout<bool> rw ; Master slave_master; SC_CTOR(Slave) : slave_master("slave_master") { slave_master.scl(scl); slave_master.sda(sda); slave_master.rw(rw); } }; int sc_main(int argc , char* argv[]) { sc_clock clk("clk",1,SC_NS); sc_signal<bool> scl; sc_signal<bool> sda; sc_signal<bool> rw; sc_fifo<int> main_fifo; Master master("master"); master.clk(clk); master.master_write_fifo(main_fifo); master.master_read_fifo(main_fifo); Slave slave("slave"); scl.write(1); sda.write(0); rw.write(0); slave.scl(scl); slave.sda(sda); slave.rw(rw); sc_start(); return 0; } Error: (E109) complete binding failed: port not bound: port 'slave.slave_master.my_host.port_3' (sc_port)In file: ../../../../src/sysc/communication/sc_port.cpp:231
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