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  1. Dear Adiga, Thanks for the explanation with a code snippet.. the messages: "Method One Processing....! @ 0 s", "Thread One Processing....! @ 0 s" "Thread Two Processing....! @ 0 s",, are because of Initilaization phase(first phase of simluation cycle) I guess..correct me if I am wrong. Regards darshan
  2. Thank You Roman for the file link.. I read the Simulation chapter and understood how SC_THREAD and SC_METHOD run and how SystemC channels are updated in evaluation and update phases.. Thanks once again:-)
  3. Hi all, I am studying SystemC as a course in my Master program. I have a qestion on Temporal Decoupling.. I have attached the question directly and please somebody can give a try and it would be of great help.. You can fill in the boxes and upload the file again..:-) Thanks in advance! Regards Ponnanna KM
  4. Hi all, I am new to SystemC and I have a course in my current semester. It would be great if someone answers my below questions: Case1: Consider a SC_MODULE(mod_1) with two SC_THREAD(p1); SC_THREAD(p2); Question1: which thread starts first? Question2: What is the order these two threads run? Do they run parallel or one after the other? Case2: Consider a SC_MODULE(mod_1) with one SC_THREAD(p1); SC_METHOD(p2); Question1: which thread starts first? Question2: What is the order these two threads run? Who starts first? Question3: Does SC_METHOD has priority than SC_THREAD? i.e if suppose SC_THREAD was running and same time SC_METHOD received a sensitivity. Does SC_THREAD pause and SC_THREAD starts execution? My questions are very primitive but it is very much important with exam point of view..:-) Thanks in Advance..
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