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Error: (E112) get interface failed: port is not bound: port 'Target1.int_o' (sc_out)

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I have a port defined as 'sc_out<sc_int<1> > outa' in module A, a port defined as 'sc_in<sc_int<1> > inb' in module B, then a channel defined as 'sc_signal<sc_int<1> > sig' in sc_main, then in sc_main 'A.outa(sig); B.inb(sig);'.

Then I got an error message attached below.

Error: (E112) get interface failed: port is not bound: port 'Target1.int_o' (sc_out)
In file: ../../../src/sysc/communication/sc_port.cpp:235

Could you please help? Thanks.


Thanks for your quick response. Related code is attached below. Could you please help take a look?

(I'm building a simple SoC, all codes will be messy, so just list related codes here)


module A:

struct uart: sc_module
  sc_out<sc_int<1> > int_o;

module B:

  sc_out<sc_int<6> > int_o;
  sc_in<sc_int<1> > int_timer_i;
  sc_in<sc_int<1> > int_uart_i;
  void gen() {
    int_o.write(((int_timer_i.read()) & 0x1) | ((int_uart_i.read() & 0x1)<<1));
  SC_CTOR(tb) {
    sensitive << int_timer_i << int_uart_i;                                                                                                                                                                         


int sc_main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  sc_signal<sc_int<6> > int_vector;
  sc_signal<sc_int<1> > int_timer;
  sc_signal<sc_int<1> > int_uart;
  sc_signal<sc_int<1> > int_uart_pc;
  uart        * target1_uart;  
  tb          * testbench;
  target1_uart = new uart       ("Target1");
  testbench    = new tb         ("testbench");





Oh Thanks.

I found my issue. I initialized the sc_out port in the constructor of module A.

 SC_CTOR(uart): int_o("int_o")
    int_o = 0;  

After removing that line, the model run successfully.

I notice while we initialize sc_out in SC_CTOR, the sc_out port is actually not bound. So we can't initialize port in constructor.


Thanks again. Regards,




If you want to set the initial value of the signal to which the port int_o will be bound during elaboration, you can use the member function initialize() (cf. to clause 6.10.4 of IEEE Std 1666-2011).

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