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What is the advantage of UVM_ML, according to UVM-SV?

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These days, I have done some study on UVM_ML.

But In my verification work, The work can be done good with UVM_SV lib, which can be done by UVM_ML too.

So I want to know why the UVM_ML is coming out, and what its advantage is.

In Which Context the UVM_ML is a better choice than UVM_SV ?

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UVM_ML, developed by Cadence, indeed contains UVM_SV. But it also contains Multi Language capabilities, enable connecting packages implemented in SV, e, and SC.

For example - in the UVM_ML, the configuration DB serves all languages. So one can call config-set() from one language, and config-get() from another, hence configuring components implemented in another language.

Another example - the objection to End of Test is synchronised over framework so that the test is stopped only after all objections from all languages are dropped.  

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