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My question is about controlling the verbosity for one agent when I am using override for it. Let me give more details here. I have base env and base agent class. My environment extends this classes and creates env and agent. I have base test also. From top module  I override the env class. In my test which is extended from base_test If i have to control verbosity for one agent I can write set_report_verbosity methods. But now this case gives me compilation error. As my env is overriden run time but when I have to sent the verbosity for perticular agent I have to give hierarchy path.


In my base test I have handle of base env as env. my component base_env is overridden with x_env. x_env is having x_agent. I want to control the verbosity for x_agent for debug purpose. in my start of simulation phase if I write like "env.x_agent" it gives error which is very obivious. Is there any sollution how can i control the vebosity of agent in this case?








Error will be hierarchy look up failed. Let me give more details with sudo code.


my Env class is like

class base_env extends uvm_env ;




my base test is like


class base_test exntends uvm_test;


base_env env ;




now my env is


class x_env extends base_env ;

x_agent_c x_agent ;




in my testbench top module


module top


intial begin

uvm_top.set_type_override_by_type(base_env::get_type, x_env::get_type)





in my test I want to control for verbosity for agent x_agent which is under x_env;

so if i code like below during compilation my env is base_env which is not having x_agent so hierarchy look up will fail.


class x_test extends base_test ;


function start_of_simulation






So in this case how can i control the verbosity for x_agent from my test case?

I hope my question is clear now and sorry for bad coding here.





First, why do a type override of the from your module?  You can do that in your test's build_phase instead.


Since you are trying to access a member that is not present in the base_env class, you can't use a base_env class handle to access that member.  You'll have to use a x_env handle.  In this case, you'd have to cast the object like so:


class x_test extends base_test ;
function start_of_simulation();
  x_env x;

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