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Dynamic memory allocation for typedef

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I have a typdef enum and I want to declare a variable inside case statement.

can I do following in one of my function?

tx_0, tx_1,tx_2, and tx_3 are user defined enum types.

function my_func(bit [1:0]a)


0: tx_0 i = new tx_0; // line 0

1: tx_1 i = new tx_1;

2: tx_2 i = new tx_2;

3: tx_3 i = new tx_3;


I have tried this but it shows error "(**** line 0): expecting an '=' or '<=' sign in an assignment [9.2(IEEE)]."

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Can you show ALL the declarations for your code. Just guessing, perhaps you meant

int i[];

typedef enum{tx_0=3,tx_1=5,tx_2=7,tx_3=11 ) tx_t;

function void my_func(bit [1:0]a)


0: i = new [tx_0]; // line 0

1: i = new [tx_1];

2: i = new [tx_2];

3: i = new [tx_3];



Can you explain without using SV syntax what you want to do?

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Can you show ALL the declarations for your code. Just guessing, perhaps you meant

int i[];

typedef enum{tx_0=3,tx_1=5,tx_2=7,tx_3=11 ) tx_t;

typedef enum {i0, i1, i2, i3, i4} inst1;

typedef enum {i0,i7,i8,10,i3} inst2;

typedef enum {i1,i11, i9,i20,i21} inst3;

typedef enum {i0....iall} INST_ALL

typedef enum {INST1,INST2,INST3} inst_all;

function (inst_all inst_all_type, INST_ALL i_all)

case (insta_all_type.name())

INST1: inst1 i = new inst1

INST2: inst2 i = new inst2;

INST3: inst3 i = new inst3;


// from here operate on variable "i" only


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As I said inst1, inst2, inst3 are all typedef enums. and I want to iterate through the enum list and find out if it matches i_all which is instruction supplied. i_all is also an instance of all instruction. Basically I want to find out supplied instruction i_all is of which enum type. inst1, inst2, or inst3 ???

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Look at using the inside operator to match a value in an array. That array can be a list of instructions. You can have different arrays that represent different lists of instructions, and then use the inside operator to find out which list a particular instruction matches.

Again, try to describe what you want to do without using any SystemVerilog syntax. What defines an instruction? Don't use the word enum or typedef.

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I did not understand what did you say using [\B]. Can you please provide an example?

Here is what I am trying to achieve. I have whole list of instructions. Each instruction fits into a particular category. DUT will operate based on the the category of instruction. There is a qualification logic inside DUT. I am trying to verify that logic.

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Hello There,

Your request is confusing because you are trying to do a few things that are not possible with SystemVerilog enumerations. First, you can't have duplicate enumeration identifiers in the same scope so you can't have a composite "all_inst". Second you don't "new" an enumeration. You can create a dynamic array or an associative array or queue of enumerations.

I played around with this a little bit and came up with an associative array of these types. You can probably make it less complicated with a look-up table using int but here is something to get you started.

module test;

//typedef enum {i0, i1, i2, i3, i4} inst1;

//typedef enum {i0, i7, i8, i10, i13} inst2;

//typedef enum {i1, i11, i9, i20, i2} inst3;

typedef enum {i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i13, i20} all_inst;

typedef enum {INST1, INST2, INST3} inst_type;

all_inst inst1[all_inst] = '{i0:i0, i1:i1, i2:i2, i3:i3, i4:i4};

all_inst inst2[all_inst] = '{i0:i0, i7:i7, i8:i8, i10:i10, i13:i13};

all_inst inst3[all_inst] = '{i1:i1, i11:i11, i9:i9, i20:i20, i2:i2};

function void create_me (input inst_type select_type, all_inst ix,

output all_inst this_i);

case (select_type)

INST1: this_i = inst1[ix];

INST2: this_i = inst2[ix];

INST3: this_i = inst3[ix];


// from here operate on variable "this_i" only

$display("inst_type=%s ix=%s this_i=%s", select_type.name(),

ix.name(), this_i.name());


initial begin

all_inst inst_da[] = new[3];

create_me(INST2, i7, inst_da[0]);

create_me(INST3, i20, inst_da[1]);

create_me(INST1, i4, inst_da[2]);

foreach (inst_da)

$display("inst_da[%0d]=%s", i, inst_da.name());


endmodule : test

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