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how to find if two threads are trying to operate on a same mutex


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Hi All,

It would be of great help if someone could tell me how to find if two threads are trying to operate on a same mutex?

I also want to find the entire communication that happens with respect to locks while the program is being run,

I came to know about this forum from some researcher. any inputs will be of immense help.


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You would need to write a wrapper class with debug aids builtin. A sketch might be:

struct debug_mutex
: sc_core::sc_mutex
  void lock( void ) override
    auto requester = sc_core::sc_get_current_process_handle();
    INFO( DEBUG, "Attempting lock of mutex " << uint_ptr_t(this) << " from " << requester.name() " at " << sc_time_stamp() );
    locked = true;
    locker = requester.name();
    time = sc_time_stamp();
  void unlock( void ) override
    auto requester = sc_core::sc_get_current_process_handle();
    time = sc_time_stamp();
    locked = false;
    locker = "";
  // Attributes
  bool locked{ false };
  sc_event changed;
  sc_time time;
  string locker;

I have not tested above.

NOTE: I have a macro INFO that issues an appropriate SC_REPORT_INFO_VERB with the above indicated syntax. Replace with your own. Never use std::cout or std::cerr if coding SystemC.

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