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Passthrough Module -- Fifo Implementation

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I'm trying to understand how to model a simple pass through module correctly.  Let's say I've got 3 threads/modules A, B, and C such that A sends messages to B which forwards them to C (A --> B  --> C).

A naive approach for thread B:

sc_fifo<Message> incoming_fifo("incoming", 3);
sc_fifo<Message> outgoing_fifo("outgoing", 3);

    Message msg = new Message();
  Message msg;

Further, let's say that module C is negligent and not reading from outgoing_fifo (sorry, the names are B-thread centric).  One would naively assume that thread_A can send 6 messages (3 in each fifo) before the fifos become full and it's write becomes blocking.

The problem is, thread_A can actually send 7 messages, because you essentially have an extra slot, conceptually, in thread_B between the success of its read and the block on its write. 

One solution might be to use tlm_fifos, first waiting on outgoing_fifo.ok_to_put() then blocking on incoming_fifo.get().  But this becomes problematic if for example there was another module also putting into outgoing_fifo --then ok_to_put() might be true at one point, but when the read/get from incoming_fifo awakens thread_B, it there might no longer be room in the outgoing_fifo.  (A similar situation arises if you try to wait on ok_to_get(), but there are multiple threads pulling from incoming_fifo).  

Is there a way to solve this problem so that you can be sure that you don't pull from incoming_fifo if you don't have room in outgoing_fifo, ie. simultaneous condition checking, without resorting to something like polling? 

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The model you describe is not "just" a passthrough model though, as you assume that tokens can be both intercepted (other processes reading from incoming_fifo) and injected (other processes than B writing to outgoing_fifo). From my experience, it is very difficult to design robust models with multiple readers and writers for FIFOs, at least without higher-level synchronization orchestrating the accesses somehow.  That said, let's assume these arbitrary FIFO accesses are needed and OK for your use case.

I would suggest to indeed use the non-blocking APIs to do the forwarding:

while( true )
  if( incoming_fifo.num_available() > 0 && outgoing_fifo.num_free() > 0 ) {
    // forwarding possible, process token - will never block
    outgoing_fifo.write( incoming_fifo.read() );
  // at least one side is blocking, wait for activity on either side
  wait( incoming_fifo.data_written_event() | outgoing_fifo.data_read_event() );

This will not lead to an additional implicit slot in the passthrough block, but the forwarding is "non-greedy" now, i.e. happens only if a slot is available on both sides.  Together with arbitrary other readers/writers on the FIFOs, your passthrough model might never succeed to forward a single token.  See above.

Minor comment: Your thread_A pseudo code above looks like Java/SystemVerilog and would have a memory leak in C++.  You should not put dynamically allocated objects into a FIFO.

Hope that helps,

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Hi Philipp,

Thanks, this seems to solve the problem correctly.

Regarding your comment about the memory leak, I completely agree, but was wondering what is the standard technique for doing dynamic object passing?  Should I have my fifos declared to take shared_ptr<Message> objects?  Because the fifo.write(&T) takes its parameter by reference, it won't take ownership of the underlying object, but this is essentially what I intend when I pass something on to another module.  Further, how can I pass an objects that manages heap memory, eg. a std::vector?



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Hi Patrick,

You can use every Copyable/CopyAssignable type with sc_fifo or tlm_fifo, as entries are always copied in and out of the fifo slots. There is no special support for e.g. move-only types, yet.  It might be a nice to explore options to add such support in order to reduce the cost for passing complex types through fifos.

So yes, you can pass std::shared_ptr and std::vector, but e.g. not std::unique_ptr.

Greetings from Duisburg,

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