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Runtime warnings


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Hello everyone,
I've built a little system in SystemC, which compiles without errors. But when I run the simulation, I get (besides a seg fault, which I will debug) the warnings:

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq_0
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq_1
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq_2
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq_3
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq_4
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq_5
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dummy_socks.AT_LT_conv_peq_6
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dpr1_10.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dpr1_10.AT_LT_conv_peq_0
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dpr1_10.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dpr1_10.AT_LT_conv_peq_1
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dpr1_10.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dpr1_10.AT_LT_conv_peq_2
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dpr2_10.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dpr2_10.AT_LT_conv_peq_0
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dpr2_10.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dpr2_10.AT_LT_conv_peq_1
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

Warning: (W505) object already exists: _dpr2_10.AT_LT_conv_peq. Latter declaration will be renamed to _dpr2_10.AT_LT_conv_peq_2
In file: ../../../../src/sysc/kernel/sc_object_manager.cpp:149

I've found a previous thread in the archive which discussed a similar problem:

Here, there were two possible solutions proposed:
-Either the warnings are because of separate multiple inheritance (class/module is inherited multiple times and so multiple objects/modules with the same sc_module_name are created) -> make class/module which is inherited virtual
-Or I have multiple objects/modules with the same sc_module_name on the same system hierarchy -> rename classes/modules

Option 1 cannot be the solution for me because the said modules are templated. And also, the only class which is inherited by all modules individually is sc_module.
Option 2 (seems) to be not working for me too, because every module I created has a unique name. Here are (all?) relevant infos on my classes/modules and constructors and how I build and connect them in sc_main:

template<unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
class dummy_socks: public sc_module {

template<unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
dummy_socks<BUSWIDTH_0, BUSWIDTH_1>::dummy_socks(sc_module_name name): sc_module(name), slave_sock_dummy_1("ssockd1", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_dummy_2("ssockd2", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_dummy_3("ssockd3", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_dummy_4("ssockd4", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_dummy_5("ssockd5", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_dummy_6("ssockd6", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_dummy_7("ssockd7", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_dummy_8("ssockd8", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false)
template<class T, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
class dpr_two_even_regions: public sc_module {


template<class T, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
dpr_two_even_regions<T, BUSWIDTH_0, BUSWIDTH_1>::dpr_two_even_regions(sc_module_name name, unsigned int _wl, unsigned int _iwl, unsigned int _mem_size, unsigned int _bytes_per_word, sc_time& _delay_r, sc_time& _delay_w, addr_sub_space _a_subspace_1, addr_sub_space _a_subspace_2, sc_mutex* _m0, sc_mutex* _m1):
        sc_module(name), wl(_wl), iwl(_iwl), mem_size(_mem_size), bit_shift_int(1), bytes_per_word(_bytes_per_word), slave_sock_r_0("ssockr2_0", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_w_0("ssockw2_0", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_r_1("ssockr2_1", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_w_1("ssockw2_1", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), delay_r(_delay_r), delay_w(_delay_w), a_subspace_1(_a_subspace_1), a_subspace_2(_a_subspace_2), m0(_m0), m1(_m1) {




template<class T, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
class dpr: public sc_module {

template<class T, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
dpr<T, BUSWIDTH_0, BUSWIDTH_1>::dpr(sc_module_name name, unsigned int _wl, unsigned int _iwl, unsigned int _mem_size, unsigned int _bytes_per_word, unsigned int _regions_nmbr, unsigned int* _sub_region_sizes, addr_sub_space _dpr_addr_space, sc_mutex**_mutexes):
        sc_module(name), wl(_wl), iwl(_iwl), mem_size(_mem_size), bytes_per_word(_bytes_per_word), regions_nmbr(_regions_nmbr), sub_region_sizes(_sub_region_sizes), dpr_addr_space(_dpr_addr_space), mutexes(_mutexes), bit_shift_int(1), slave_sock_r_0("ssockr1_0", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_w_0("ssockw1_0", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_r_1("ssockr1_1", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false), slave_sock_w_1("ssockw1_1", amba::amba_AXI, amba::amba_AT, false) {

int sc_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

                dpr_two_even_regions<sc_uint<10>, 16, 16> dpr1("_dpr1_10", resolution, iwl, dpr1_mem_size, bytes_per_word, delay_r_dpr1, delay_w_dpr1, dpr1_a_subspace, dpr1_a_subspace, &_m1_1, &_m2_1);
                dpr<sc_uint<10>, 16, 16> dpr2("_dpr2_10", resolution, iwl, dpr2_mem_size, bytes_per_word, dpr2_regions_nmbr, dpr2_sub_region_sizes, dpr2_a_subspace, mutexes);
                fft_correlator<sc_uint<10>, 16> fft_c("fft_c", resolution, iwl, bytes_per_word, fft_framesize, delay_cycles_fft, delay_cycles_ifft, delay_cycles_cross_corr, nmbr_of_tasks, fft_correl_a_subspace, tasks);




                sc_report_handler::set_actions(SC_ID_MORE_THAN_ONE_SIGNAL_DRIVER_, SC_DO_NOTHING);

                sc_time sim_time = sc_time(s_time, s_time_unit);
                // run the simulation

Anyone has an idea why this is happening?

Thanks and regards,


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I think  there must be a relation between these warnings and the fact that every said class/module has exactly the same number of amba slave sockets(these are types from the amba toolkit by Carbon Design Systems included with the header #include <amba.h>) minus one. Minus one is because the module related to the first socket doesn't have to be renamed. In my class definitions this looks like:

template<class T, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
class dpr_two_even_regions: public sc_module {

                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_r_0;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_w_0;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_r_1;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_w_1;
template<class T, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
class dpr: public sc_module {

                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_r_0;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_w_0;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_r_1;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_w_1;
template<unsigned int BUSWIDTH_0, unsigned int BUSWIDTH_1>
class dummy_socks: public sc_module {

                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_dummy_1;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_dummy_2;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_dummy_3;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_0> slave_sock_dummy_4;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_dummy_5;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_dummy_6;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_dummy_7;
                amba::amba_slave_socket<BUSWIDTH_1> slave_sock_dummy_8;

Does this mean each socket calls the sc_module constructor with the same sc_module_name?
Greetings Florian

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