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How to remove CBUNREG warning in UVM1.0p1

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When I try to use a parametered based callback class, IUS tool will report the following warning, seems it is the type mismatched, but I am confused that the callback task can still work, so does anyone tell me how to remove such warning?

UVM_WARNING @ 0.00 ns: reporter [CBUNREG] Callback tb_axi_mst_drv_cb cannot be registered with object uvm_test_top.tb_axi_ovc_self_loop_inst.axi_ovc_mst.master.driver because callback type uvm_callback is not registered with object type uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP)

I defined my callback class as follows:

typedef class axi_master_driver;

typedef class axi_master_driver_cb;

typedef uvm_callbacks #(axi_master_driver, axi_master_driver_cb) axi_master_driver_cbs_t;

virtual class axi_master_driver_cb #(axi_if_pkg::tIfParams IF_PARAMS = axi_if_pkg::AXI_DEFAULT) extends uvm_callback;

virtual task pre_process_trans(axi_master_driver #(IF_PARAMS) driver, ref axi_trans_item #(IF_PARAMS) tr);


function new(string name="axi_mst_drv_cb_inst");// will include scoreboard handler later??



endclass: axi_master_driver_cb

And declare my driver as follows:

class axi_master_driver #(axi_if_pkg::tIfParams IF_PARAMS = axi_if_pkg::AXI_DEFAULT) extends uvm_driver;

`uvm_component_param_utils(axi_master_driver #(IF_PARAMS))


`uvm_register_cb(axi_master_driver #(IF_PARAMS), axi_master_driver_cb)


endclass: axi_master_driver



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When I try to use a parametered based callback class, IUS tool will report the following warning, seems it is the type mismatched, but I am confused that the callback task can still work, so does anyone tell me how to remove such warning?

UVM_WARNING @ 0.00 ns: reporter [CBUNREG] Callback tb_axi_mst_drv_cb cannot be registered with object uvm_test_top.tb_axi_ovc_self_loop_inst.axi_ovc_mst.master.driver because callback type uvm_callback is not registered with object type uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP)

I defined my callback class as follows:

typedef class axi_master_driver;

typedef class axi_master_driver_cb;

typedef uvm_callbacks #(axi_master_driver, axi_master_driver_cb) axi_master_driver_cbs_t;

virtual class axi_master_driver_cb #(axi_if_pkg::tIfParams IF_PARAMS = axi_if_pkg::AXI_DEFAULT) extends uvm_callback;

virtual task pre_process_trans(axi_master_driver #(IF_PARAMS) driver, ref axi_trans_item #(IF_PARAMS) tr);


function new(string name="axi_mst_drv_cb_inst");// will include scoreboard handler later??



endclass: axi_master_driver_cb

And declare my driver as follows:

class axi_master_driver #(axi_if_pkg::tIfParams IF_PARAMS = axi_if_pkg::AXI_DEFAULT) extends uvm_driver;

`uvm_component_param_utils(axi_master_driver #(IF_PARAMS))


`uvm_register_cb(axi_master_driver #(IF_PARAMS), axi_master_driver_cb)


endclass: axi_master_driver




Do you define "typedef uvm_callbacks #(bus_driver,bus_driver_cb) bus_driver_cbs_t;"?

we need add the driver and cb in the pool at top module.

For example:


Your UVM_WARNING @ 0.00 ns: reporter [CBUNREG] is from below.

// Function: add


// Registers the given callback object, ~cb~, with the given

// ~obj~ handle. The ~obj~ handle can be null, which allows

// registration of callbacks without an object context. If

// ~ordreing~ is UVM_APPEND (default), the callback will be executed

// after previously added callbacks, else the callback

// will be executed ahead of previously added callbacks. The ~cb~

// is the callback handle; it must be non-null, and if the callback

// has already been added to the object instance then a warning is

// issued. Note that the CB parameter is optional. For example, the

// following are equivalent:


//| uvm_callbacks#(my_comp)::add(comp_a, cb);

//| uvm_callbacks#(my_comp, my_callback)::add(comp_a,cb);

static function void add(T obj, uvm_callback cb, uvm_apprepend ordering=UVM_APPEND);


if(!m_base_inst.check_registration(obj,cb)) begin

if(obj==null) nm = "(*)"; else nm = obj.get_full_name();

if(m_base_inst.m_typename!="") tnm = m_base_inst.m_typename; else if(obj != null) tnm = obj.get_type_name(); else tnm = "uvm_object";

uvm_report_warning("CBUNREG", { "Callback ", cb.get_name(), " cannot be registered with object ",

nm, " because callback type ", cb.get_type_name(),

" is not registered with object type ", tnm }, UVM_NONE);


I think UVM lib dispaly this, not IUS tool.

Hope this to help you.

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