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how to access verilog module internal signals in UVM testbench


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if you want to read the signal, here is one solution:

task read;
  wait(top.dut.internal_module.signal == 1'b1);
  //do something
endtask: read

You can use force to drive the signal:

task drive;
  force top.dut.internal_module.signal = 1'b1;
  // do something
  release top.dut.internal_module.signal;

endtask: drive

Best regards,

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Be aware that adding any kind of hierarchical path like that would make your driver and monitor non-reusable. It also only works with Verilog, since hierarchical paths aren't allowed in VHDL. If you want more flexibility you can go the long way of binding an interface inside the DUT and assigning that to your monitor and driver.

interface whitebox_if(
  input logic some_signal,
  input logic some_other_signal

// somewhere in your top level
bind dut whitebox_if wb_if;

  uvm_config_db #(whitebox_if)::set(null, "*", dut.wb_if);

This way you can reuse your components on different projects even if the path to the signal you want changes.

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  • 11 months later...

Be aware that adding any kind of hierarchical path like that would make your driver and monitor non-reusable. It also only works with Verilog, since hierarchical paths aren't allowed in VHDL. If you want more flexibility you can go the long way of binding an interface inside the DUT and assigning that to your monitor and driver.

interface whitebox_if(
  input logic some_signal,
  input logic some_other_signal

// somewhere in your top level
bind dut whitebox_if wb_if;

  uvm_config_db #(whitebox_if)::set(null, "*", dut.wb_if);

This way you can reuse your components on different projects even if the path to the signal you want changes.


Hi Tudor,


I have a similar problem but I do not understand the solution you proposed. 


If I need to read a certain internal signal, supposing this signal is "sig" inside a DUT submodule "sub 1". Where should I put that specific signal? In which way? 


Thank you in advance

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interface whitebox_if(
  input logic sig

module top;

  Dut inst_dut (...); // instantiate DUT

  bind inst_dut whitebox_if wb_if( sub_1.sig ); // bind interface to DUT + connect internal signals

    uvm_config_db #(virtual whitebox_if)::set(null, "*", dut.wb_if); // place (bound/buried) interface into database


Then if your testbench needs the signal, just do a database "get" of the virtual interface.

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