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Urgent Help: Connecting VHDL port with SV Interface ??

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Hi All,

Doubt is connect a VHDL DUT With an SV Interface!!!

This is first declaration of a signal in vhdl like below::

type t_ar7_0 is array (natural range<>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

This they have used to create a packed dimensional in vhdl for a port signal in the top module as given below::

ABC_MMM : out t_ar7_0(1 to 8);

So its like 7 to 0 of 1 to 8 signal in vhdl...

Now I had declared a counter part in interface to connect this module as logic [1:8] [7:0] abc_mmm;

Now, in a module how to connect these two signals,, I tried like this but its giving illegal port connect for VHDL type.

// DUT instance

ABC abc_dut (.ABC_MMM(interface.abc_mmm));

How can i Connect a sort of array port declaration in VHDL with SV interface!!!

Quite urgent help out plz..



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I'm not sure if you're allowed to connect a 2D port across the vhdl-verilog boundary. Remember that there is no official standard for vhdl-verilog integration, so different vendors may support different things.

Have you tried creating 8 intermediate wires of [7:0] and assigning them to the slices of the vhdl port?

Start with something simple, and build up to what you want...

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  • 7 months later...

I would also like help connecting a VHDL DUT to a SV virtual interface or help with the bind concept. I have seen several articles on connecting VHDL DUT to SVA but not as virtual interface to connect to the testbench. I am looking for an example of a simple VHDL DUT virtual interface to a UVM based testbench. The VHDL DUT has std_logic, and std_logic_vector ports, nothing fancy. None of the examples seem to address the simple connection of VHDL DUT to the SV bench. Thank You.

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there are a couple of things to consider here. first: an "virtual interface" is just a reference to a real interface instance in sv. with that you simply ask "how can i connect an system verilog interface to a vhdl DUT" - well that is not a UVM problem. and that is a simple question of what your simulator supports.

- you can probably instantiate your vhdl dut in the verilog tb. then you can access the ports of your verilog instance as if they were verilog. this looks like:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity test105 is
port (
	clk: in std_ulogic
end test105;

architecture rtl of test105 is   
end rtl;

interface test105if;
bit clock=0;

module tb;
test105if mif();
test105 my(mif.clock);

- depending on your simulator you may also access signals inside the vhdl via OOMR or via other backdoor mechanisms ($nc_mirror and similar)

- using bind (depends upon your simulator)

interface test105if;
bit clock=0;

interface test105rstif(input rst);


module tb;
test105if mif();
test105 myvhdl(mif.clock);


bind test105 test105rstif myrstifinst(rst);

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity test105 is
port (
	clk: in std_ulogic
end test105;

architecture rtl of test105 is
 signal rst : std_ulogic;
end rtl;

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