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what is mean " no match for call to sc_core::sc_in<int>" ?


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when i have make compile systemc the following code, Error was happened like this.

simple_fifo.cpp:45 error  no match for call to sc_core::sc_in<int>.

But i'm not sure. why this error happened?

My intend is like this.


reg [3:0] a;

always@(posedge clk)


a <= a+ 1;





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Maybe you can try to use:


    popo_out.write(popo_out.read() + popo_in.read());


in your while loop.


But another things I am not usre are:


1. If your popo_clk_gen will be triggered? The sensitive list seams no toggling at beginning.

2. Does the output (sc_out) can be used as sensitive signal?

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Maybe you can try to use:


    popo_out.write(popo_out.read() + popo_in.read());


in your while loop.


But another things I am not usre are:


1. If your popo_clk_gen will be triggered? The sensitive list seams no toggling at beginning.

2. Does the output (sc_out) can be used as sensitive signal?

1-> Did you mean that sc_start() is not exist?

2-> Actually, in verilog, it does'nt matter. But i not sure about it.

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1-> Did you mean that sc_start() is not exist?

2-> Actually, in verilog, it does'nt matter. But i not sure about it.


1 -> I don't mean sc_start(). I just don't know what's initial state of your sensitive list. Do they have any change at initial time to trigger your thread?

2 -> I think even in Verilog, it does matter. You logic is combinational logic, if the output can trigger the "+1" logic, you will have infinite loop, right?

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1 -> I don't mean sc_start(). I just don't know what's initial state of your sensitive list. Do they have any change at initial time to trigger your thread?

2 -> I think even in Verilog, it does matter. You logic is combinational logic, if the output can trigger the "+1" logic, you will have infinite loop, right?

1 -> I don't mean sc_start(). I just don't know what's initial state of your sensitive list. Do they have any change at initial time to trigger your thread?

2 -> I think even in Verilog, it does matter. You logic is combinational logic, if the output can trigger the "+1" logic, you will have infinite loop, right?

1. -> i'm not sure, but it seems not exist. I think i need that. But i dont know, so would you please let me know?

2. -> yes right, infinite loop.

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when i have make compile systemc the following code, Error was happened like this.

simple_fifo.cpp:45 error  no match for call to sc_core::sc_in<int>.

But i'm not sure. why this error happened?

My intend is like this.


reg [3:0] a;

always@(posedge clk)


a <= a+ 1;





#include <systemc.h>
class popo_clk_gen : public sc_module
sc_out<int> popo_out;
sc_in<int> popo_in;
popo_clk_gen(sc_module_name name) : sc_module(name)
sensitive << popo_in;
sensitive << popo_out;
void test()
while(1) {
            popo_out = popo_out + popo_in ;
int sc_main (int argc, char **argv)
sc_signal<int> popo_out;
sc_signal<int> popo_in;
sc_clock clk1("clk1", 20,SC_NS, 0.5,20,SC_NS);
popo_clk_gen pcg("pcg");
return 0;


Hello Sir,

There is unfortunately a major bug in your thread -- it does not

get triggered on any event. Please correct this first. Hope this


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Hi Carter,

   can you post the exact error message, and the source of the line number (line 45?).


The obvious source of error to me is that you're trying to bind a constant value to a port with pcg.popo_in(1). That is probably where the error message comes from.


Secondly, as someone else may have said, you need to call sc_start() to make the simulation start.




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Try u_adder.pin.write(1).


Though that style of coding is strange. I would write a stimulus module and drive the stimulus from there - it's more code, but it's much easier to get working rather than trying to do stuff in sc_main.


See the example in



By the way, sensitive_pos is deprecated, you should use


sensitive << p_clk.pos()




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Try u_adder.pin.write(1).

Though that style of coding is strange. I would write a stimulus module and drive the stimulus from there - it's more code, but it's much easier to get working rather than trying to do stuff in sc_main.

See the example in


By the way, sensitive_pos is deprecated, you should use

sensitive << p_clk.pos()



Did you mean p_in instead pin?

Also, u_adder.pin.write(1) is error happened.

The error masage is "class sc_core::sc_in<int> has no member named 'write'

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Hello Sir,

There is unfortunately a major bug in your thread -- it does not

get triggered on any event. Please correct this first. Hope this


Dear dakupoto.

I modified code, but i have erreor. But i'm not sure.

So would you please let me know what is problem?

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