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Posts posted by iidolevy

  1. Hi,

    I need to design & verify parametric design, such that my design & verif env will be instantiated twice, each time with different parameters.

    I usually work with packages for my design, so all of parameters, structs etc are defined there.

    My questions:

    Is there a  way to write such package so same package will hold same parameter  with two different values? (different value for each instance)

    Is there a robust way in uvm to verify such design?


  2. Hi,

    I have an IP with built in tests, written in pyhton.

    I want to parse those tests and use them in higher level (uvm testbench). Eventually each test will be a uvm sequence.

    For that I need a system verilog parser.

    Is there a reference that I can use for this purpose?

    example for lines in existing test:


    WriteBlock SLAVE 0x0000ffff

    Data 8

    a5a5a5a5 ffffffff 





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